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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语考试辅导:商贸常用词汇系列六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
debt-to-equity swap 债转股6 F5 b. G2 }. r* n% H8 i
  the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar
2 V" j- O4 ~8 x( E7 d( ^9 a  港元的联系汇率制
7 Y. b$ a  o0 A3 J' O  f6 ?) Z, f! E  bad account/ dead account/ uncollectible account/bad debt/ bad loan$ c' B6 Y! k% h3 T1 e
/ @( _3 t8 c: e% b  anti-dumping measures against ……1 W: ?/ ~/ Q  r9 F/ R$ ?
  反倾销措施7 H& q1 ?, C1 U* q, O% G
  deflation; I1 M+ t1 X" [
  通货紧缩) m8 t5 s* X- B9 F2 b6 t
/ F9 R* h  r2 U4 b3 W" i! e: X5 V9 R  通货膨胀
4 e3 n) M0 \& k& m) I! u, L  quota-free products
) D$ V  m0 W+ g, Z  Z. m) W: d1 U: c  非配额产品* g: o7 {4 d! T+ n' A' _- V% e
  investment in non-productive projects
$ {! @4 k' |; j& ^) j  非生产性投资
0 _+ j! h) w6 X. Z9 I7 E) m9 `  risk management/ assessment! e& y* y2 h# U
  e4 P0 e# y9 n+ }( F  venture capital
. v) K- w# |* b( l% v  q; {0 {  风险基金% y% i8 b( u0 [9 J5 M! h
  loan loss provision/ provisions of risk
; O5 F2 U1 ?5 a3 N: M  风险准备金  P1 q* Y5 F, _, i* z
  revitalize large and medium-sized state owned enterprises6 Q5 \. c. K+ v  t
+ Z; b  y2 i/ D" K& p  scale economy/ economies of scale8 u  Z! R2 j" x7 K; B
% s8 {! t$ `. U: I2 |% c  state-owned cooperatives
: j; n) T9 ^, v0 k  国合企业(即国有合作社)* Q8 J% `( f' B! u. Y
  balance of international payments/ balance of payment% B$ h) y  I3 ?" I
  国际收支, D& L# \# [5 z1 L& c
  disequilibrium of balance of payment; m3 D; y: m, ~
  国际收支不平衡. T/ y% e' K7 z8 F  u. C! B5 G$ |
  public subsidies: G( ^3 L) I1 _" F/ J  L# g
  国家补贴; w1 v" }: A. K
  state foreign exchange reserves5 F' F1 V& S2 m' F) g
  国家现汇结存7 l/ B* ]2 G5 v5 m% W
  guide rational consumption
1 U5 d5 `/ Q- }  J. g  合理引导消费/ _! }! i: {! e3 D: b
  seasonal price adjustments
9 E2 J6 }- v3 ?* h* g& w( J  季节性调价
5 |0 F9 o2 F* e8 R# F  established/accomplished facts; \0 j( j( a/ L9 x
  既成事实+ |& X/ e) O, U* z- d: l
  scientific and technological enterprises that integrate scientific and technological development with industrial and trade development$ u; _2 ]# K) {& d
2 A8 S/ i0 L& E% b2 o2 X5 ]: P# P  labor-intensive enterprises1 @/ H+ a+ T# H4 o8 J+ E- D; q
  劳动密集性企业) G0 A8 ]  t3 I. g/ X
  unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises/ unauthorized pooling of funds, compulsory donations and random levies on enterprises
1 Z' `, |2 N$ b" Q' q9 M  乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费0 v& x! L/ u: k8 m
  millennium bug8 \, D* S, @- S4 W
4 J0 y: C0 K: ~1 v5 D, M/ ]  technological updating of enterprises
1 J: W1 F' q4 _" ]0 M! f/ _- T  企业技术改造/ V0 i% g4 @! u
  subsidies to cover enterprise losses5 g  H* m0 W& D% ~2 f
  企业亏损补贴* A6 W6 ]" w0 h' J1 |( A9 s9 r
  grant the national treatment to0 ^7 i7 q+ @! p. L6 Q9 `. {5 ]- G; L+ a
  实行国民待遇- T: I: j& o( U! Y% i  x
  pursuing practical results, adopting various ways and seeking common development/ the principle of equality, mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity and mutual development
) N$ l/ I- A( ^! c# p5 v) {/ B6 w  平等互利、讲求实效、形式多样、共同发展的方针8 e2 v. P9 r/ @  A1 v
  “bottleneck”restrictions9 G; ?7 b* c3 p

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