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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:复习必备词汇(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit6:电话英语9 _+ c" {2 a$ v/ Z* b& v. H
communication 通讯
% h$ a- j$ |; o6 E2 kon the phone 电话英语
1 B( G% A4 Y9 n" f' _call center) j6 [( a* v, F- A
电话客服中心" f* e' P) l$ D) g% u- u$ R
Adam had a job at a call center during his college years.4 O3 j9 }% G. p. |$ W2 ?& [; p
亚当大学时代曾在某家电话客服中心工作过。3 C+ ], ?2 @% {& }* e+ P3 I
call waiting# G% S! Z) V9 Z+ ~2 v: K
! D. c$ _; g0 @0 q6 X& R. xThe new office phones have call waiting.& e2 e% V! A! A1 S- R' w3 x
新办公室电话有插拨功能。  W8 b; l/ `3 ~4 `) x
caller ID4 S" n2 w1 ^% ]5 N, f
+ m  U  M$ I) K; N4 N/ W# JMy phone number is configured to block caller ID on outgoing calls.! `9 I4 e. H( j
3 E: M5 a1 V/ Rcell phone
3 Q" |* E. |0 Z6 \  }; R  S! Z手机
& ^7 g, o- q3 q8 F5 U( u# mJohn uses his cell phone to send text messages to his friends.' v( c: W4 i3 e% V
" e5 N3 _0 q% tcold call+ G) w# G8 F+ A% M& F7 H, j: U
6 s# V" {1 Y' t: xAs part of her job, Betty has to make cold calls to potential clients.
) I5 |; A: j  n& Y7 F7 a) H贝蒂必须针对潜在客户进行陌生电访,这是她工作的一部分
5 J9 f3 ?* I0 a) tcordless- w8 Z5 f; Y% _  w
adj. 无线的; M3 [, A) j: H( ~- ?$ g
Cordless phones allow you to move around freely while talking.8 {1 K" F) x1 w2 i
) k5 {- K1 k, J8 o8 l% C! g5 D+ V- [5 Jdial tone
4 ~5 k+ @5 T/ o# H拨号音
) w/ ]9 \2 S; mThe phone must be out of order if you can't hear a dial tone., v1 N& L9 S$ ^
如果听不到拨号音,电话一定是坏了。8 E: U! g- t9 n1 g
directory assistance* N/ o+ e- O# _2 q
查号服务+ M/ {8 {& V1 q$ [2 y- v3 }4 i
For English directory assistance, please dial 106./ i8 \) F" X; p2 W) I: M2 v+ B$ g3 @
英语查号服务,请拨106。) g* x& H$ C6 |, _% s) ~
extension* t1 _0 ?6 ~. d5 q
n. 分机号码0 E; J% k, N+ X- U) M+ w
I'm at extension 123./ x' g. }" ^9 N' A, `3 t
我的分机号码是123。1 [; T6 m  a/ j6 m% \% ?" H
long-distance call2 m# Y5 |. G6 J2 H) l
长途电话8 C, ~0 {, L2 i6 P- B4 k0 |
The phone company offers a flat rate for long-distance calls.1 }5 V1 u( c' a1 R5 C% ]
这家电话公司对长途电话提供统一费率。: A& ~8 h) V! q/ c$ J1 e& s1 a
payphone: h% s5 a/ ~  G1 y9 L* Q5 i& M
n. 公共电话
) W+ S" m# a1 A" B/ i1 i# yIs there a payphone around here?8 k4 W( y6 P: j# j# Z
这附近哪?有公共电话?0 Z! [/ |  a  M6 A
# e  o- g% Q; `5 n6 K' F5 bn. 电话筒
  H+ c6 Z1 B1 c! f6 v5 @) EOn the third ring, I quickly picked up the receiver.
) c" M) G* m$ Q1 @2 ]7 F: M电话响了三声,我急忙拿起话筒。/ \- z: m4 M9 R
reception- z0 d& a2 P9 X* J
n. 收讯;接收
; B# q, g, t/ `8 y+ WI need to find an area with good reception to make a call.  J$ @6 N* C' N+ b" o
4 Q  r( ]1 O$ x6 t; Ltelemarketing3 Z; r! R% k8 U0 Z% }; }
n. 电话行销
' v+ O& H5 T) l8 a1 d* \6 _The telemarketing industry is growing in India.; e8 D4 g" G% ~+ y( F! v! u0 ^
- Y7 b- ^& z; a3 E7 Ktext message
% Y6 L6 U2 v3 f* |1 o8 P简讯; U' @# B5 h- B2 k( u: E
Do you often receive unwanted text messages on your cell phone?3 }2 l& ?: B0 ^8 k( L( c7 D4 o+ |) B
4 w1 z) G/ b* vtoll-free/ L) T: y8 x$ U( @6 s
adj. 免付费的7 ]' C$ L& N4 f; V8 v7 i9 w; W
Please call our toll-free number, 0800-080-123.
/ V; X; K  Z) O请拨我们的免付费电话 0800-080-123。
, \: F" t3 {7 b* N: k& o1 j# mtouch-tone phone' t5 e+ y# ]8 @
/ e2 Q9 |: [1 k) m% uMost new telephones are touch-tone phones.
+ k- `* N& A) \* \3 q9 k现在大部分新电话都是按键式的。
/ ^2 z* j0 K3 Utransfer' I# o( k$ v8 G* e
v. 转接
: Z( L8 s$ l) e6 r  j, }3 ^+ uPlease hold the line while I transfer you.
" [& N8 H+ {/ j" }( H8 E4 C' D. y请稍候,我帮您转接。5 z# K+ }* d8 _1 a; {
voicemail8 l6 Y1 N5 _5 @3 p% F
n. 语音信箱/ g! H, ?3 {4 ^' P$ u
Calls to your number are automatically forwarded to voicemail if you don't answer within 30 seconds( k% B6 v1 l4 f' d% ]$ S/ y; b' P" c
如果你三十秒内未接电话,来电会自动转到语音信箱。% I) N! L! B7 s6 k4 {# O
wrong number% C% i! x- e# N$ o3 P
* ?7 q8 Q+ D1 Z5 q" A' E/ Y. rSorry, you have the wrong number.
) m2 }& T+ s# f4 X* T$ D* g抱歉,你打错电话了。

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