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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:复习必备词汇(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit5:经营管理" r' A' p1 O" d* I; V* i
management 经营管理
  b9 Q/ |' r7 ~5 w9 j! a$ radministration+ J8 i  Y) ^  T8 d' c% `' U6 E
n. 行政;管理& A! ~8 O3 S* N4 n$ w
Pamela, could you give us an overview of the Administration Department?
: ~1 I3 I6 Z6 ?& H潘蜜拉,你可不可以给我行政管理部门的概述?
# k+ g( L7 U7 c6 @/ K3 m  {6 ?assignment4 `  s; B& j! ~' e% _
n. 分派;任务
( h. i/ h' f8 h) A0 JIt was difficult for me to take care of both John's assignment and my own responsibilities.! h- r4 J, D4 E; d0 t
要同时兼顾分派给约翰的任务和我自己的职责是很困难的。9 y  F: v3 n+ ^7 e
" ?. C9 I7 h! p  w1 |; i/ {n. 稽查;稽核6 F  S, h# d9 ]1 @+ b8 b, N
Accounting irregularities were found during the audit.
: V8 ?' e4 ]! V; ]" n: n" l稽核时发现了一些会计缺失。
" L( r; a) h! c; m$ Rauthority2 H3 ]& C6 L+ q
n. 权限& t. m; V& T5 |! l) E
I'm afraid I don't have the authority to approve that., `! `" \, D2 |: e9 @
这个我恐怕没有权限核准。8 G$ F$ X1 ~5 _# c
bankruptcy* N9 F  r  Z9 A
n. 破产
. H# B! }8 g# y, M9 M* J  Q  ?After losing money for two years, the company declared bankruptcy.9 m6 |" [. W. D- b6 i5 u  }$ F% |
亏了两年之后,该公司宣告破产。  r! g2 X8 _% W
corner the market
/ E( W0 C2 L! h9 }( I垄断市场
7 D# D. |3 }  y# r& }. A" r" tOur goal is to corner the market nationwide.
' \4 D0 z: d0 |8 ?我们的目标是要垄断全国市场。
) y+ h; |: ~; U3 @& }' X2 X8 c! Ncorporate culture
  S" G0 l- e) g- M, O企业文化- q9 D" \4 Q( h* e( }# v2 ^4 M1 k( A/ u
The biggest challenge for Freedom Group will be to maintain its corporate culture.- z6 h% {6 r: _% s! |3 u
& b# _! g- S* U6 m$ S. @development
5 a9 {; h  t' d8 [n. 发展;开发
5 G5 w' Q6 t, N: X7 W( KAlthough product development is important, we also need to upgrade our distribution network.
" ]7 M1 Z- y% B, U产品开发固然重要,但我们也必须改进我们的配销网。
) ~- F! i6 {# T: `) zdiversify% o. ^  s6 Q) H; [
v. 多角化 ; 多样化
8 s! r! ~; K  wLet's not put all our money in one investment. Let's diversify.) \$ ^& _3 ~# E/ \3 O
我们不要把钱全放在同一项投资,我们要多样化投资。' T* P6 w6 X5 r
downsize; s- W$ Q4 L7 e! G
v. 缩编' e5 [% I9 }3 D6 l0 t7 v
Downsizing is one way to reduce costs.
0 X& g! p( z" v0 L" p缩编是降低成本的途径之一。- a, I6 p+ a6 J6 k7 Q% r8 p4 ~
innovation' n0 q+ W0 i' Q' X4 m& a6 @
n. 创新
9 @- T2 |  V: H) j# q& _; VThe company encourages innovation.
/ B( |& I4 ~2 G* M; G/ G. f该公司鼓励创新。$ w  _6 j9 K" }0 \
' o- w7 S# X. L3 y: jn. 合并
+ v$ O5 S# S5 \& B3 H& y6 SThe two companies decided to complete the merger.
7 s) h) I: T1 S- `: z3 Y这两家公司决定完成合并。/ ?& p- i1 u2 u" G$ N
operation" ]- w6 l4 g7 B% Y% o- k
n. 营运* w6 y( G; K8 h2 R/ r
Our company has been in operation since 1996.
% O' d( G6 ]3 k9 ]. O我们公司自一九九六年开始营运。/ A' {3 @) s! S
risk0 m3 H, \* @& Y3 E; H7 m5 Q1 J
n. 危机;风险
9 c  t$ _. d1 Q0 c" q6 n7 QThis hands-off approach could lead to huge risks for the companies.  G  i$ ]( L, A7 H! Y/ t. ]
这种放手不管的作法可能会给公司造成巨大风险。1 J$ F# h: W1 _
6 w' h  z2 Y' V3 m  j4 Fn. 策略" Q( b8 m, P+ q/ v
Peter Senge is one of the most progressive thinkers about business strategy in the world today.$ Z) N  ?1 Q  }, ]1 V
$ g) z% d6 }) B6 P- t/ x3 y5 Bsubordinate! C2 L& I6 O* N+ N+ N
n. 下属" g, i; b4 z' D" o7 a
Mr. Brown valued opinions from his subordinates.' Y: i# e, w4 s* S* m
! E$ G/ e( V. |+ Xtrack record+ N/ G3 U; i" A( P+ S
绩效纪录0 r" O( m6 B$ `* Z/ O3 k" N3 U
Partner Investments is hiring brokers with great investment track records.! _& ^, q0 b! i6 y8 O5 N/ Q( r

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