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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他这两天遇到了感情困扰,去找美国同事Amy讨个主意。4 {4 [& M4 G  ^9 }( x
(Office ambience)  S1 p' }9 y. [+ w
C:Amy, 我有点私事儿想请教你。, k7 L( R& G; ^- t
A:What is it, Chen Hao?
! K% W" F! G# B( DC:销售部来了一个新的女同事,叫Kate. 我想请她出去约会。
  c3 L$ d( \% Y+ D& V1 ?. hA:Then why don't you?
' k9 M7 O& i4 ]0 dC:因为我不知道咱们公司是不是允许同事谈恋爱。在我原来那家公司是绝对不行的。
/ M$ ]$ U' e( }3 E$ Y& _! LA:You're smart to check it out first. We used to have that policy, but our management decided that we spend so much time at work and with co-workers that it wasn't fair to impose that restriction.1 E/ [$ r5 W3 P% ~
C:太好了,那我就准备约她今天晚上出去吃饭。  u9 Q! B& @0 l* t# y
A:But there are a few issues you should consider if you are going to date Kate or any other co-worker.
6 ]6 C( F3 k' i- ^, K, f9 O. `$ wC:你快说说。+ @+ f8 ?" h5 H$ N9 s# h
A:Before you get serious, you need to discuss what you will do if things don't work out. You will want to avoid any bad feelings between you.
2 A$ n! I- _; W0 h- tC:是啊,我也是希望万一不行的话,彼此都能妥善处理,不要在工作上相互拆台。" S( a9 h8 l  u4 |
A:That's exactly what I mean. I have seen it happen. When co-workers stop dating, one or both will often try exact some sort of revenge in the office.
( K* Y$ k0 }( N) f5 i2 h7 ZC:哎,先别想那么多了,人家还没同意晚上跟我出去吃饭呢。  W; }% y. v+ {5 E0 k: M
& g* I0 v: r) L! g+ |/ zMC:Amy第二天早上遇到了陈豪.) B; Y2 m6 o9 ^
A:So how did your date go? Kate did accept, didn't she?1 P' _1 ^3 I* [; E
C:挺好的,我们俩儿特别投机。不过,Kate说,跟同事谈恋爱,她也有不少顾虑。, T% U4 A: N' |; [, D
A:What did she say?* J( P4 K$ B" \) u" e$ u) r
C:她觉得,最好不要在办公室里谈我们的关系,如果别人问,我们也不否认谈恋爱,但是不会说得更具体。! a+ w  n" G& X, x: M7 H
A:Even if they pressure you? Some people can be pretty nosy and persistent. They'll want to know every detail of your relationship.' p' G! [: K; r- j) d
4 T* i0 _9 Y/ E0 FA:I guess you'll be seeing her again.
' i9 Z5 u- `1 D! ]2 qC:不瞒你说,我已经被她迷住了,老想找个借口往她办公室跑。
+ d4 o+ O- B$ l0 v+ O* B+ C5 ^- kA:That is another danger of dating a co-worker.
, x& F& R- L& J& m/ P7 kC:你是说工作的时候容易分心吗?8 ~% Z3 ?* h& z: s4 I6 [) e% I
A:That's right. If your productivity and performance begin to suffer, others will notice and you will jeopardize your position.* s  l5 j; @0 @& ]. z8 V- s1 A9 ^
C:对呀,如果真的影响到工作,对我们在公司的发展不利。这一点我倒是没想到。Amy, 你再提醒提醒我,都要注意些什么?' y7 v* g6 }. R
A: The first thing is to know the company policy. Decide how you will handle the relationship around the office and what you will do if things don't work out.' E; P' N- P; }: s+ M

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