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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 E" s( k  o) u(Office ambience)
* U8 B* A8 Y" FC:Amy, 你干嘛老看我的脚啊?% }8 C9 q; ~$ l" ^, g  ?
A:I'm sorry. I just couldn't help noticing that you aren't wearing socks today.
' G7 m( V' k! M# |% jC:天儿太热了,不穿袜子还凉快点儿。! N& K4 C. E& a+ H- M
A:Personally, that might be all right, but professionally that's a bad decision./ t4 y8 @1 W# f( R# V& o6 F; C1 H
C:为什么?我见过很多人上班都不穿袜子的。: z4 Q9 W, c2 I$ N' J. j
A:However, at ABC Company, professional dress is important for our corporate image.
: c( j5 s1 S# y* W" t% X0 ~6 @C:我上班穿西装,打领带,这还不够吗?* `) z" ~' Q$ x, P
A:No. Would you consider not wearing a shirt with your coat and tie?
7 t3 p5 {' F" u$ m7 }! E# z- XC:我当然不会光着膀子穿西装打领带了。! q5 Q" t5 \; p) Y% K
A:Then you shouldn't consider wearing your shoes without socks. If your boss Mr. Jones sees you, he will not be pleased.# I( t# o* U( z, r+ j
C:那可坏了。我可我没带袜子。这怎么办呀?# @% Q+ H" \5 g8 A1 N  d) r
A:Avoid Mr. Jones at all cost. Then buy some socks when you go out for lunch today. There's a department store right around the corner.
7 M$ S* a# O: l9 Z& x5 g& lC:你说得对,我得先躲着点儿老板,中午吃饭的时候赶紧去商店买袜子穿上。I will see you later.9 D) r: B4 `6 ^7 T( h6 {
******8 N7 ^& m  f0 s# U
8 z- @7 D1 u+ GA:Chen Hao, did you find any socks?
/ X7 r" W: B0 gC:我正准备穿上呢!天儿热,所以我买了两双白袜子,起码比深颜色的袜子凉快点儿。! v% N4 h/ x4 T+ ~: W9 c5 b
A:Oh dear.
& k, d6 A6 r) L! d% Q7 \C:怎么了?
6 _2 F* D+ d) ?7 w* K" z1 UA:White socks are inappropriate for corporate dress. They are more for athletic wear and outdoor attire.5 y+ h8 d6 ]1 x7 ~9 q' \
. C% F9 ]- A& o6 `: JA:Oh dear.
) [! g& f# S( R1 P! QC:又怎么了?
" @+ d; ~! k8 d2 y( M' X. IA:You should have listened to the salesman. Short socks just won't do in the business environment.) j% k. {# l/ D0 O( a( ^
C:那为什么?# Z+ E4 {1 T6 i) s/ s7 p. T9 Q! x7 B* B
A:It's because when you sit down and cross your legs in short socks, you expose everyone around you to the sight of your hairy legs.6 x. W6 X" T8 d# P" m. {5 ~
C:Amy, 我从来没想到穿袜子还有这么多讲究。
$ l* v9 T0 ~+ C* R. }) f( vA:Your business attire is extremely important "right down to your socks".
7 K6 p2 _' V/ d$ e; f! f5 hC:这么说,我穿成什么样儿也会影响到公司形象了。看来我下班还得再去买袜子,Amy,你陪我去吧,完了事儿我请你吃饭。1 E- ~3 {* r7 d+ q6 s) h- T$ n* p, I
A:Thank you. I'll look forward to that.
- K$ p9 M+ g5 o- F4 \1 X" L5 G' qC:Amy,你能不能再告诉我一下上班要穿什么样的袜子。这样我心里就有数了。
- G5 u. q$ h2 }& q1 j+ }2 _" v; bA:Avoid white socks and short socks. The right sock in business is the one that covers your calf and matches your shoes and pants.

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