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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他上班中间休息,跟美国同事Amy一起下楼喝茶。6 q6 e9 w/ ~! ^. A  Y9 D) t4 X6 e. Y4 q
(Office ambience)
; W" y- s3 ]6 f" QC:Amy, 你干嘛老看我的脚啊?
4 Z. f$ H. C* n1 f6 sA:I'm sorry. I just couldn't help noticing that you aren't wearing socks today.! {! z* |& w4 Y0 y
) p' W* m: e* O7 l. DA:Personally, that might be all right, but professionally that's a bad decision.
5 e" f/ A/ x  LC:为什么?我见过很多人上班都不穿袜子的。! K3 F, N' d" q
A:However, at ABC Company, professional dress is important for our corporate image.
. P) I  Q1 ~) J) x& F2 GC:我上班穿西装,打领带,这还不够吗?
! K! R4 X+ o+ f, U* i0 I: ZA:No. Would you consider not wearing a shirt with your coat and tie?' j7 n, ?+ D3 m( E
( i7 q' f0 S7 e4 z- }! J% z. @" JA:Then you shouldn't consider wearing your shoes without socks. If your boss Mr. Jones sees you, he will not be pleased.# K& P) v) ~* m( @$ |+ P0 X- e
C:那可坏了。我可我没带袜子。这怎么办呀?2 x. U4 |+ Y( \( J
A:Avoid Mr. Jones at all cost. Then buy some socks when you go out for lunch today. There's a department store right around the corner.: L& q3 D8 P' p+ b( i4 Q
C:你说得对,我得先躲着点儿老板,中午吃饭的时候赶紧去商店买袜子穿上。I will see you later.
+ b% _3 N* r! ~6 b2 b: W3 h******
* m, G( \5 d- ]  ?" tMC:午饭后,陈豪找到Amy.% ?% n9 P: Y5 v  q! s, R- n
A:Chen Hao, did you find any socks?9 ^8 \  k8 v# \$ D% O2 d% k5 f
* r2 ^$ P! R$ D" u& w1 z* p  dA:Oh dear.
  Y/ s0 c' Y7 FC:怎么了?
/ A. d  V* X% E  |A:White socks are inappropriate for corporate dress. They are more for athletic wear and outdoor attire.7 ]/ Y2 Y# \, n1 C4 I1 E$ s- h5 w
C:啊?白袜子是跑步打球穿的,不是上班穿的。怎么这么多讲究呀!好在我还买了一双深色的。服务员一直向我推销高腰儿的,就是可以拉到小腿肚儿上来的那一种。我觉得太热,没买。* Q1 P5 W# C; Y0 z* l
A:Oh dear.+ o2 \; h* `$ K, C, H4 B
C:又怎么了?# ^. ~6 F" r- e! b7 e
A:You should have listened to the salesman. Short socks just won't do in the business environment.6 ^" e; q4 V$ L) ]. f
3 P+ M" R! |- GA:It's because when you sit down and cross your legs in short socks, you expose everyone around you to the sight of your hairy legs.
3 y. F2 n; N: H. \6 \6 GC:Amy, 我从来没想到穿袜子还有这么多讲究。  j' M# A. d3 i  ?, W
A:Your business attire is extremely important "right down to your socks"./ ?5 E$ P, C0 x  q
C:这么说,我穿成什么样儿也会影响到公司形象了。看来我下班还得再去买袜子,Amy,你陪我去吧,完了事儿我请你吃饭。! ?9 C  [2 g. {( L  Y
A:Thank you. I'll look forward to that.- E9 k+ {) j: E9 l& e2 {2 R* @1 f
; D6 Z1 E1 c4 LA:Avoid white socks and short socks. The right sock in business is the one that covers your calf and matches your shoes and pants.

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