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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 {. L" k8 W8 Y" Z+ O8 i(Office ambience)
  @' U7 L$ P3 W" bC:Amy, 你有时间吗?
8 ~  }- _2 X5 B7 H' v4 zA:I can always make time for you, Chen Hao. What's the matter?
+ n3 F! @0 h( y1 g2 w  d& XC:我有个客户,听说我搬家,专门送了我一幅画儿。) i! J8 Y; K! H
A:That doesn't sound like a problem. It sounds more like a nice gesture.% [4 \2 j! F2 P; B4 A% r% l. D1 U
C:可是那画的颜色和风格跟我的公寓格格不入。  |; j5 S' F5 I1 O1 v  a1 D4 z
A:That's too bad. He probably chose something he would like to have and didn't consider your taste. I hope you thanked him for it anyway.+ h2 E' m& T9 Y; V$ L, m  Z, w
& f; n. x+ |* ]A:Well, first of all, you shouldn't use e-mail to thank someone for a gift. A proper note of gratitude should be handwritten.- N" X1 q, p. Y
    C:什么是 gra——ti——tude?
9 s0 I+ U" M2 N1 X# zA:Gratitude is the same as thanks or appreciation.2 \$ O* r+ a- S% w( M0 v
2 r5 b6 w9 ~5 u* z2 |" k1 FA:E-mail is impersonal and lacks warmth. The effort you make to show your gratitude should match the effort that your client expended in sending you the gift.
8 r& P3 v" u7 MC:我能不能买张现成的感谢卡,在上面加上一句,然后签个字呢?
/ o$ ]( Z/ F9 Z+ o7 ?0 VA:I'm sorry, but that won't do either. You need to demonstrate your good manners by composing a personal note in your own words on the appropriate stationery.+ A, |8 f2 a) |1 t$ M
C:你能陪我去买合适的卡片吗?; j6 O3 _) S* s
A:I don't have time now. But let's meet at the stationery store at noon.
+ n4 u4 @5 b- p$ ^3 T******$ q* ]+ h8 \% E2 j/ H  D7 z( r3 o: ~+ X
MC:中午,陈豪和Amy一起到卡片专卖店。1 s$ x$ W0 [/ g
C:Amy, 这种可以折叠的感谢卡挺大方的。7 q3 ?: }7 D% q
A:They are acceptable, but not as classy as these correspondence cards that are made of heavier stock paper.
% d% q! v8 j5 Q. y# r- b% n1 ZC:噢,correspondence cards,就是回复卡。
5 ?+ g) b: T, X( |) z8 `4 i/ z) yA:You should order some with your name engraved across the top for future use.
3 }: l- e' k3 F, u: W9 d2 R8 gC:我说有时候收到别人的卡片,上面还有名字的缩写,原来是可以订做的呀。好,就买这个。不过我还是不知道怎么写。
9 S0 q6 W' ~8 f8 {* fA:It's not so hard, and you don't have to be dishonest.3 F- L# F& C% @* w7 c1 [, |+ |+ @+ l
C:你启发启发我。! I1 p6 R* \8 W* L' _  d
A:You can tell your client how much you appreciate his thoughtfulness and generosity in sending you a painting by this artist.9 Z% |4 m$ i  P4 |& g8 R
C:有了。我就说“你怎么知道我家到处都是白墙的?画儿是我最需要的。”这样写,他也不知道我是不是喜欢那幅画。, Q% ?7 s  N6 D/ Y- v
A:And you have all the elements of a proper thank you note.
- m- J0 O, V* X- f6 k" XC:Amy, 你能再重复一下写感谢卡的注意事项吗?& ~7 z9 v6 n3 b* ?3 K$ y& b1 i
A:A note of thanks is hand written on quality notepaper. It begins with a specific reference to the gift, remarks about its quality, why you appreciate it and how you will use it.; d1 A. y6 G# u0 m0 |, g

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