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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作,他的美国同事Amy来找他谈事儿。# H9 M* \* [/ R/ m  U: Q
(Office ambience)
" W! `3 J0 u3 A& j0 wA:Hi Chen Hao, have you got a minute?5 l1 h8 m# @: _
C:Amy, 刚才你过来的时候,我正在电话上。, G; D9 i. p1 @- t
A:It's not polite to hang around when someone is the phone so I decided to come back.: w# z7 `# n+ {+ B& ^+ }
C:嗨,别提了。我刚才一直在电话上等。想挂,可是好不容易才打通,挂了又得从头来,我就在那儿傻等着,烦死了。8 C) l5 `0 u% p( F; F; V* C
A:I know what you mean. Putting callers on hold for more than thirty seconds is bad for customer relations.
3 g: \' _6 h$ ?/ T$ g. \C:半分钟,别说半分钟;我刚才足足等了半小时。不过,Amy, 说实话,我让别人等的时候,有时候也容易把时间忘了。What can I do?
" E7 X( v0 Y% a* z, v% e' ]A:Watch the clock. Time passes quickly for the person who is busy with other callers or issues, but for the person on hold, time creeps by.
" ^4 y  d6 D7 Z+ @* x  fC:就是这么回事。在电话上等,确实觉得时间过得特别慢,所以越等越不耐烦。# ^9 p6 K2 F+ O  \% o# d
A:Since your job doesn't involve answering other people's calls, I would guess that your callers are waiting for you to look up information while they hold.8 G4 h6 M' H* w( H- G( {
; ~) ?8 H" q# `$ \4 d& pA:There is a difference in holding for someone to answer the phone and holding for someone to look up information for you.8 f7 ^6 L4 X! o9 L/ E+ c! U- W
C:在线上等别人接你的电话和等别人去帮你查资料有什么不一样呢?0 m" u2 Y* M0 T$ w
A:If you ask people to hold while you are looking up information or trying to help them in some way, they are willing to wait.
8 e$ T& j, U% Q) ^8 r) O- QC:我怎么还是不明白?
2 H4 C  i& l" g  M" h$ XA:People are happy to wait while you work on their behalf.
# x; V3 C. z& A) L6 mC:噢,他们知道对方是在为自己解决问题,所以等得心甘情愿。那些等着别人接听电话的人呢?
8 N6 p$ X! `& M# r( B9 z. eA:When you take your time getting to the call, the caller starts to imagine all sorts of scenarios.
  M2 D1 Q5 e! Z9 KC:没错,我就经常怀疑对方是把我给忘了。
. g6 n4 l; \3 ]A:The caller may suspect you don't think the caller is important.. B+ C8 D5 s* r& {; i/ w3 z; l2 h
) T& @7 _( r( Q$ E- t' ]& zA:Maybe you don't value the caller's time?
' F$ \6 i" _5 J" {. ]C:对呀,在线上等电话是越等越急,越急就容易胡思乱想。% L/ i* o  ?; u& y1 ], ?
A:Yes, and the result is that your caller is pretty annoyed when you finally answer the phone.; j+ Z5 b: H6 N6 O; I2 T& F8 A
C:没错,那客户肯定很不高兴,觉得我没有礼貌。5 w" P7 h. k6 t0 |7 y  o
A:Exactly. So if you want to avoid making people feel unimportant or ignored, pick up your phone as soon as you know you have a caller waiting.
( D* x- F! u: x- P- BC:如果没办法马上接电话,我通常都会让秘书请客户决定,是在线上继续等,还是在电话信箱里留言。) |- R0 S7 K1 w( v5 r
A:Exactly, good business etiquette as usual is to be considerate of the other person.

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