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[综合辅导] 2011商务英语辅导:汉英商务英语对照(14)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从一开始我就参与这个计划。 Ive been part of this project since its beginning.) v) h! p" i8 `7 g
我叫克里夫敦,从一开始我就参与了这项计划。 I'm Clifton, and Ive been associated with this project since the beginning.# R, m- x# v8 Z, l
请看第一幅图表的数据。 Please look at the data of this first chart.
& y  N- X( O: s+ ^. C( p- u数据证实此种产品安全有效。 The data confirm that this product is safe and effective.9 Z' x, H! _: U9 ]4 |* B; t+ C& K
正如你在这张图片上所看到的,同风格的这种旧型产品非常流行,我们保留了它。 As you can see in this photo, weve retained the same style which was so popular in this old model.
4 n, M# N0 _! ^现在我们正在做一些改进,使皮质变得坚韧而不致有皱纹,变干或产生磨损。 Now, were doing something new making skin strong enough that it doesnt wrinkle, become dry, or develop blemishes.5 F  n  y8 O4 {; S* G6 |3 H+ K
这种X2500型的特点就是减少输入时间,使资料更为顺畅。 The X2500 has the unique feature of providing better data flow with less input time.2 A8 p) l8 ]) A* c
与旧型机比较我们的新型价格便宜且更容易操作。 Compared to the previous model, our new model is less expensive and easier to use.
+ a2 ?0 b+ R6 ^/ V& H3 Z: F" ^有各种大小型号,在便利商店和百货公司均有。 Its available in a variety of sizes at convenience stores and department stores as well.
$ W5 z, S" N: Q) }; N+ v4 W# ]这是一种革命性的新产品。 This is a revolutionary new product.8 ^& F8 V) D& [3 r0 m6 ]
X2500将会改变你在办公室的工作。 The X2500 will change your work in the office.% A4 ]& L! g! n9 ^$ a' k. q) p
我们现在有五种不同的型号供你选择。 We now have five different models to choose from.# X- d+ v$ N) I* W
各位女士各位先生,现在你们有任何问题我都乐意答复。 Now, ladies and gentlemen, i'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have.
5 |8 R0 B2 U  i* A) }还有什么问题吗? Are there any questions?
9 x! E% G7 p) t1 g, O) p) d就这一点你们还有什么问题吗? Do you have any questions at this point?' P. L( w; S& w2 Q6 g5 b; d- c
如果你们没有问题了,我可以进行下一阶段吗? If you have no questions, may I go on to the next stage?
' h. `* j; `% Z0 }7 G: T  l现在,我乐意答复你们的问题。 Now, i'd be happy to answer your questions.$ e( X6 {4 B* i' ?) ?3 i
我乐意接受任何人提出的任何问题。 I'd like to allow anyone to ask whatever questions they may have.( a, B5 ~3 S: v- f8 F0 }5 R
你的问题是我们是如何发展我们的产品? Your question is how we developed our product?
4 [6 w+ `/ F" A6 ?4 Y你们并未听说过,问题是产品多快能上市。 For those of you that didnt hear it, the question was how soon we could expect the product to be on sale.% D/ {7 E% `3 ?
什么时间能发货呢? When can we expect its delivery?
7 t* x3 J6 P0 _& W产品已投产了,所以月底前你可以获得。 Its already in production, so you can expect it in stores before the end of the month.
: q% V% F( i  k0 x你希望此种商品何时上市出售呢? When do you expect to have this ready for sale?- `- \% C  b, n1 V4 _
建议零售价格是多少呢? Whats the suggested retail price?
! Y% s2 R% r+ X, y# X你们的试销情况如何? What do you expect it to go for?) G1 ~/ p4 E- c- W+ H
你怎样决定产品是安全的呢? How did you decide that product was safe?
' f, B: E$ E# `% I/ j" M你凭什么相信产品是安全的? Whats the basis of your belief that the product is safe?
* `5 E6 I: D. k我想知道你们是如何得出结论的。 I'd like to know how you reached your conclusions.8 P! @7 W' Q; c5 X  }8 I
这种商品成本价是多少? How much will it cost?3 _# o' J/ c4 f7 x) Z0 n
我们订价为98美元,几乎少于竞争对手30%. Weve priced it at $ 98, almost 30% less than the competition.
* M9 g. l) c9 ~什么时间能发货呢? When can we expect its delivery?' C( n) p( Q8 H
产品已投产了,所以月底前你可以获得。 Its already in production, so you can expect it in stores before the end of the month.
+ e+ J1 S% C; X# f: E+ ?  V你希望此种商品何时上市出售呢? When do you expect to have this ready for sale?1 t4 X0 S2 e: A- W2 ~. G. \
建议零售价格是多少呢? Whats the suggested retail price?
$ r1 A8 Q1 R) @9 c7 S  P你们的试销情况如何? What do you expect it to go for?
! h8 I& e' h; F* {3 M4 j5 ?* A你怎样决定产品是安全的呢? How did you decide that product was safe?
3 m7 }- }: I, u8 O- P你凭什么相信产品是安全的? Whats the basis of your belief that the product is safe?
& j  ~/ `- G3 Q1 H4 {! }. H' }" p- F我想知道你们是如何得出结论的。 I'd like to know how you reached your conclusions.1 v8 A2 @( @- [1 Q% m' Q- F
这种商品成本价是多少? How much will it cost?3 Y, z7 w* A' U- _+ P2 l8 Y
我们订价为98美元,几乎少于竞争对手30%. Weve priced it at $ 98, almost 30% less than the competition.4 O+ k9 C+ b7 r  ?% s0 H; H( E
试销说明了什么? What does the test marketing show?
& u& j$ R) O& q这在所有市场销售良好,所以获得三成的市场占有率是指日可待的。 It was well-received in all markets, so a gain of three market share points can be expected.
: I- b  {9 Y' T" c+ s9 K我得说预定发货日期应该在本月底。 I'd say the expected delivery date should be by the end of the month.
9 o  @8 x# I- F- J! y' T% R, g下个月底好像是最佳的销售日。 The end of next month looks like the most probable sales date.+ O8 k/ }: K, G2 D
我们订价为98美元。 Were aiming its price for $ 98.
( O; o- b/ \1 e5 A你问题的第一部分,我要说的就是我们的研究非常广泛。 To answer the first part of your question, i'd like to say that our studies were very extensive.! q% B4 i4 n# B, w7 n/ P3 G* T) t
如果你还有问题的话,请和报告最后一页名单上的人员联系。 If you have further questions, please contact the people listed on the last page of the report.3 A* @( f! e- R! E: `+ l
对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗·戴卫斯吗? Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics?
+ q5 z) h2 M# c  m8 q- @是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。 Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Takeshita.
* i6 I% Y. v% q9 Z5 |% K对不起,请问你是从国家装置公司来的雷夫·梅耶史先生吗? Pardon me. Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures?
+ a* T! f5 ?5 @" P& ?" R我是丹尼斯,今天我到这里来接你。 I'm Dennis. I am here to meet you today.
7 G/ m, E; R1 \4 G/ F我是唐纳德,上次你来台湾时我们见过面。 I'm Donald. We met the last tI'me you visited Taiwan.0 j$ }1 @% K, }
我是爱德温,我带你去旅馆。 I'm Edwin. Ill show you to your hotel.! `+ G$ _- Y' p$ a% @0 V
你坐的班机怎么样?还舒服吗? How was your flight? Was it comfortable?+ z9 L% x* R* W! R1 b; ~
班机很好,就是时间太长了。 It was quite good. But it was awfully long.) n$ r( y' W' u. ?+ i( P
你旅途愉快吗? Did you have a good flight?
. g, Y$ V1 Z8 ~. g8 @8 Q) \3 ^0 a5 }不太好,我们起飞延误了,还遭遇了恶劣的气候。 Not really, I'm afraid. We were delayed taking off, and we encountered a lot of bad weather.
  u/ X. H! `) |; x5 N* i2 t你的航班怎样? How was your flight?
5 c7 Y5 W3 i* X) T3 [+ p( s  b9 Z你在飞机上睡觉了吗? Did you get any sleep on the plane?
' @! x+ o) Q% {8 Z# \/ V! o4 e2 n华格纳先生,你预订过旅馆吗? Mr. Wagner, do you have a hotel reservation?
- \- X' @1 j  D9 E不,我没有,会有困难吗? No, I dont. Will it be a problem?
2 V7 l2 |( J4 S3 G5 X. _$ b我认为没有,我知道有几家便利旅馆,让我打几个电话。 I dont think so. I know several convenient hotels. Let me make some calls.4 d. K! c" {0 O+ p6 r
我已预订了你上次住过的旅馆。 Ive made a reservation at the hotel you used last time.! l2 J! m* J) w+ K6 ~$ H
我们已为你订了一间西式的房间。 Weve booked a Western-style room for you.
2 I8 ]/ j$ y, I4 U, o' X我们到火车站去乘车进城。 Lets go to the station to get a train into town.5 _8 w9 d% G4 N
从此地去台北要很久吗? Does it take long to get into Taibei from here?, `3 G9 D# K; V( t" ?! r+ i! w6 F
大概要一个小时。 Its about an hour.5 Y1 s3 u, s$ X# ?" ^4 e/ b. j
我们到火车站乘出租车。 Well get a taxi from the station.
5 K1 J$ E0 A3 V( Z# I, A" i我们可搭乘机场班车。 Theres a shuttle bus we can use.
1 e0 _/ T+ S: T+ R5 T我开车来的,所以我开车送你到旅馆。 Ive brought my car, so I can drive you to your hotel.
: z) @+ M, M8 ~, t你一定饿了,我们吃点东西好吗? You must be hungry. Shall we get something to eat?% O' \: R3 U, R1 D
那太棒了,我们就到旅馆餐厅吃点东西,我有点累了。 That sounds good. Lets get something at the hotel restaurant. I feel a little tired.
( i" `; k' k! r+ |! Z+ U8 B你想吃饭吗? Would you like to have some dinner?  M6 P# i1 u" _$ w3 i
你想吃什么呢? What would you like to eat?
4 R/ N% T$ z- q# H4 J/ k7 N8 H% n% a我带你出去吃饭好吗?这次我请客。 Can I take you out to dinner? Itll be my treat.
0 O% q  a+ o$ D7 y4 A5 D如果你饿了,我们现在就去吃饭。 If youre hungry, we can eat dinner now.
1 Z) q9 u' C  p/ l0 v; Q; b你吃过早餐了吗? Have you had breakfast yet?9 C" q/ ]. A) l. G# R0 `3 b
是的,味道很好。 Yes. It was delicious.  a8 M6 Y9 s0 Q, z( x+ V: M+ f3 U3 x- Q
好的,我们去办公室吧。 Good. Lets go to the office.+ @% Q+ N$ C6 ^! _8 I5 `
你的房间怎样? How is your room?& a3 S( J' e+ `
你昨晚睡得好吗? Did you sleep well last night?
: V8 T6 X( v7 p+ H' x为何我们现在不去办公室呢? Why dont we go to the office now?
! @. S1 z) f3 j- e' Q' K. X我们将从一个电视简报开始,大概放15分钟。 Well start with an orientation video. It runs about 15 minutes.
6 U" d1 @- q% |, y3 s+ g( Q+ ~参观大概要一个半小时,3点钟以前回到这里。 The tour will take about an hour and a half. We ought to be back here by 3:00.
: P3 S- v$ n0 y/ X, S我们新的生产线非常成功,我们今年已把工厂扩展了两倍。 Our new product line has been very successful. Weve expanded the factory twice this year already.% ~( O; Y0 O- @( M( M) E! _
我将向你介绍我们的公司,你有什么特别想知道的吗? I'd like to introduce you to our company. Is there anything in particular youd like to know?# y/ D9 ]' [! |3 ~
我们还有一些报告向你介绍背景资料。 We have some reports to show you for background information.6 \4 \; g% j7 W3 R+ ~5 `
你们工厂和其他塑胶工厂有何差别呢? Is your factory any different from other plastics factories?
, K. V( R, T1 U2 T" L是的,我们的生产速度是其他工厂两倍。 Yes, our production speed is almost twice the industry-wide average.2 K6 v* \: ^. V7 t6 ?
我要向你说明本工厂的特性。 I'd like to explain what makes this factory special.0 U8 q$ h! H* @4 c3 P2 ]/ h! q' `% z
这是我们的全自动化工厂。 This is the most fully-automated factory we have.
4 M! {, j& ?' P. i这是同业中最新型的。 Its the most up-to-date in the industry.
6 I) o' ^+ m. Q  h- N5 V: _通过自动化我们的效率增加了20%. Weve increased our efficiency by 20% through automation.
2 B7 o5 B- F5 n; f) `5 s& C1 c请你告诉我每件成品的生产成本好吗? Could you tell me the cost of production per unit?+ R/ v* B' C7 x
恐怕我不知道,让我来询问一下该组的负责人。 I'm afraid I dont know. Let me ask the supervisor in this section.6 x4 B; n, f3 T4 t1 F
关于那事我不敢确定,蒋先生应该知道答案。 I'm not really sure about that. Mr. Jiang should know the answer to that.0 N6 G0 m+ i" u% B/ c. o# }
让我直接问经理好了。 Let me direct that question to the manager.
6 x8 j$ [+ [- U1 L" q+ d" s) [那部分我不熟悉,让我找专业人士来说明。 I'm not familiar with that part. Let me call someone who is more knowledgeable.) A4 x5 W6 v6 J2 \3 H& `
是的,我想知道你们的日生产额。 Yes, i'd like to know your daily production.
2 R+ N1 E" @+ d; L% \你想知道什么? Is there anything youd like to know?

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