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[综合辅导] 2011年商务口语辅导:练习(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Instead of watching TV at home, read books and magazines on related subjects.
# }; l# b" Q- J! @4 x0 o多阅读相关学科的书籍与杂志,而不是要在家看电视。
. |7 W4 V/ {+ N8 J) w! YStay up with what is going on in your field.
" z2 f: C4 V* S( Q( E  K2 U关注自己专业领域中的发展动态。0 l  j) @, M" D
Computer skills and the use of new technologies are very important.6 N4 \0 H& p7 P+ o( W( e! D/ t
计算机操作技能与新技术的运用很重要。2 b& c; B3 T  T: t8 n
If your job does not require you to develop these skills, it is most important that you go out and learn them outside of your job.) e" C* z. A8 n
9 b$ ~9 a; R( t$ {2 F$ k) YThen look for ways to use these new technologies and skills in your present job.
' V+ c* N4 b" g5 d  B然后想方设法在你的现有工作中运用这些新技术和新技能。" W! m5 ?$ T( J$ f1 J
PART ONE :Interview
4 v0 q! V7 T4 L8 S(1)9 w2 R% u; N- ^4 ]
Would you promote a competent but self-centered candidate to the position of a sales manager?(Why?/Why not?)
6 P$ [7 e" ]- s# s+ e你会提拔一个有能力却以自我为中心的获选人担任销售部经理吗?(为什么?)% i) U$ d' @& X7 {3 O4 k
Absolutely no. a competent, self-centered candidate will make a terrific salesman but not a sales manager.3 m8 B0 d0 K+ Q  `
(2)/ ~9 f0 r1 f7 w' W3 x' `! D% R  z8 S: y
Are there any disadvantages of internal recruitment?(Why?/Why not?)
0 I5 I2 E; k, f; b, `内部招聘有何不足?(为什么?)0 X' l. v" s# R; i
Yes, especially for small organizations and newly-set-up corporations, since their internal human resources are limited. Even for the established organizations, excessive reliance upon internal source will lead to inbreeding of ideas and attitudes, thus creating the risk of “employee cloning”.  Y7 [  ^( u+ V
# E$ a$ b9 f6 w  HDo you wish to be promoted?/ Will you accept a promotion?(Why?/Why not?)) d; ?5 S) G: \+ ?% M9 _- {
你希望获得晋升么/你接受提拔么?(为什么?)9 `" q0 h# ~+ L7 p

% {" \- s/ C- O/ o1 _, X4 xYes, definitely. A solder who doesn’t wish to become a marshal isn’t a good soldier. Besides, promotion brings higher salary, sense of fulfillment, more opportunity and more responsibility.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>(4)0 {1 N5 C9 o8 ~, g
What is the most important factor when you accept a promotion?(Why?)
+ _( h) ~3 \4 S- }/ |- ~3 J对你而言,决定是否接受提拔的最重要的因素是什么?  @8 z7 e4 H$ O1 F
Salary. Whether the salary is reasonable or not will influence my attitude towards work. You know if I am not well-paid, I have to find a part-time job to support my family and won’t be able to concentrate on my new post.
' u+ ^. }3 Q! O6 Q8 _9 s2 _5 gPART TWO: Mini-presentation/ I$ ^9 P+ ]7 M4 d2 I1 T# y4 G# M8 F) b
What’s important when…
5 ]/ ^) q- D- K3 s/ J希望获得晋升,需要注意哪些要点?$ ?) ?* b6 \& G8 D% l
l$ A- G; P7 f2 s# Q3 H
Work-related qualities
" d1 @7 B! E" A专业素质
- B! h% N% t. P8 w1 P, dl$ `- e! x9 L+ y! g3 n
Personal qualities
" s$ {4 A( ^2 n- L; V人品; ?% s% G; r% z) r
l5 U" n; z" _* }7 y/ `/ q
When aiming for promotion, developing work-related qualities are important. These qualities include qualifications, training, skills and abilities. Qualifications and training prepare us the necessary knowledge and theory for any job. Constant and relevant training, therefore, is necessary for further development. Professional skills and abilities guarantee excellent work performance, while managerial skills and abilities contribute to effective team performance.
' ~2 ^7 S7 \5 u0 R2 e6 UIn addition to work-related qualities, relevant personal qualities are important as well, such as loyalty to the company, responsibility and so on, since these qualities can establish your credibility and integrity among colleague. In one word you should be and should present yourself as a contributor to the company, as a person of high personal standing with a capacity for leadership.; S  x% J3 x% i+ l* e7 D9 B+ U
Of course, it’s also important to know and accept your strengths and weaknesses so as to promote your strengths and make up for the weaknesses with a goal. Showing the sustained pattern of your achievements and giving a sense of how you will continue to achieve and develop in the future cannot be ignored either.$ q/ K/ h% x7 p- X/ E8 J
7 F  j' k' h: Z6 \; z除了专业素质之外,人品也很重要,例如对公司的忠诚度、责任心等等。因为这些素质能够建立你在同事之中的诚实可信的形象。简而言之,你应该成为一个公司的贡献者,站在领导高度并具备领导才能。
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