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[综合辅导] 2011商务英语辅导:BEC词汇例解10

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
attn (abbr) for the attentin of交由某人亲启
3 \  P( {* C& a2 n+ M2 m) ?3 {- W! I[例]  He wrote ATTN Mr.Johnson. on the envelop.
6 \6 I/ A+ z; q) R& T3 Y  U+ h auction (n.)the way of selling in which each item is sold at an open meeting to the person who makes the highest bid拍卖
$ v9 p- g+ w6 l7 J/ s8 a[例]  He sold his villa in the auction at 200,000 dollars.
2 [% a; |& m$ w auction [  ] (v.) to sell something to the person who makes the highest offer; sell something by auction拍卖
. B; P+ ~/ d3 c8 G8 Z  |[例]  His house was auctioned last week.+ N0 {! g6 \; U
audio-conference (n.) a meeting with people who cannot all be together at the same time, using audio (telephone) equipment 电话会议! V# I. e$ J. ]" l1 ]' X7 k
[例]  The scheduled meeting has been cancelled for SARS, and we are planning to hold an audio-conference next week. ' r% |: u( l7 Z% p3 j1 K4 C
audit [ ] (n.) examination of the accounts of a company审计; t  W: @. Y& c8 T# ^
[例]  We require an audit confirmation from your account opening bank.4 s4 w1 p9 P/ ~. T* t
auditing [ ] (n.) official process of checking the accounts of a company to see if they represent a true picture审计
, N5 S. O5 I; R& K[例]  The bank is under its annual internal auditing. : o0 k5 z- z4 {0 s
auditor [] (n.) person who audits审计员. T3 w. h$ F+ }
authenticate [  ] (v.) proof that something is real or true 认证6 k; |4 E0 R- @% b" d
[例]  You should ask a skilled attorney to authenticate the signature at the bottom of this document in case that it is a forged one.2 F5 X$ n/ h1 c7 n& o& ^; e9 t- r! l
[同义词]  certify % ^6 m- j2 M! p# E  g, {& P
average [  ] 1. (n.) the number which is calculated by adding several figures together and then divided by the number of figures均数
# J: @5 e/ b" {  f; f( J  I/ l) k[例]  The sales average has been around 250 units.
% g; t3 l7 Z0 W1 g9 p% K  s9 ]+ C; \[同义词]  mean* y7 m/ K- S# |: Y7 {8 _
2. (adj.) middle平均的- A9 c7 V8 q2 M# }, p
[例]  the average price/ ?0 F( V2 C! o( C" n$ n$ h
averaging [  ] (n.) trading shares from the same company at different prices at the same time 股票平均买卖法  _  v; B/ r* \7 O1 u3 A# \
[例]  Average can maintain the price of a security.
! S  @! i+ R4 X. K1 l awareness [  ] (n.) being conscious of something知道
, b& |9 z. t, n5 F[例]  He has no awareness about the transaction.* J* k: c) N; U, L/ h3 c" w0 D" ]
axe 1.(v) remove or dismiss somebody 解雇
( Z+ @! s4 V, r+ V[例]  Several thousand of jobs will be axed next month due to the great depression.
1 e+ M- ?) `' g# \( s[同义词]  dismiss ,sack, lay off ,fire
! f4 y+ t8 f) p0 P2.(n)removal or dismissal 解雇
  D6 Y: X" f& U5 ~[例]  I will under the axe if I can’t reach the sales goal this year.

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