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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 18:买方的支付方式

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《商务英语口语900句》Unit 18:买方的支付方式 8 x0 d6 u9 p  p7 ?- L% I0 F
Unit Eighteen 买方的支付方式. G- n9 b! E8 i% `6 J
511. Payment by L/C is our method of trade in such commodities. . r6 p& ^; I; X9 E! ^( X
用信用证支付这种商品是我们的贸易方式( J. S3 h  q- Y$ a/ ]* o
512.Our usual terms of payment are by an irrevocable L/C to be established in the seller’s favour through the bank of China.
  m, }  E! l1 F" M- a, ~- E: ]我方通常的支付方式是通过中国银行开立的,以出口商为头的,不可撤消的信用证
  R) ]* C% L1 [# X$ b513.For exports, we usually adopt irrevocable letters of credit available by seller’s documentary drafts at sight. ( a9 r$ I8 C% [9 a7 D& @
% D# y$ O: X! h* e- p1 ?514.We usually make payment by letters of credit or adopt some other modes of payment such as immediate payment, deferred payment and payment by installments. 4 \% Q) w  Y1 \$ Z8 b8 d
4 {/ H+ u4 t) ^+ n' y! d, G5 c515.We have opened an L/C in your favor through the Bank of China for an amount of £17,000 to cover the full CIF value of our order No 754. 8 M3 u1 f6 e0 C, K; _; \# y( W
我方已通过中国银行开立以贵方为台头人、数额为17000英镑的信用证来支付编号为754订单的所有到岸价的货款# R% c6 c5 a( b7 R
516.We will start the payment in half a year and all the amounts will be cleared off within 3 years by six installments.
8 p. A# Y- M0 k( g6 O* o* H半年后我方将开始支付货款、所有的货款将在3年内分6期全部付清" V  D4 n$ E1 v+ @9 {. j: U& S
517.We prefer to have the payment made by L/C through the negotiating bank in Sweden. . u& ]0 P  Q$ l
我方更倾向于通过瑞典的议付行用信用证来支付货款5 L! o3 V- y) R' r$ V3 G1 `
518.Payments shall be made by us after receipt of the shipping documents specified in clause 10 of this contract.
3 J6 R' M$ Q5 G8 K2 p我方将在接到按本合同第10条所规定的货运单据之后付款
4 S7 v) G2 _0 X5 c' D519.We shall open a letter of credit in your favor to be settled in US dollars.  6 f1 }; P0 {8 j2 ~
; c$ M# O/ D& h4 u3 K6 T3 |520.We agree to accept goods in 3 shipments and you may draw on us at 60d/s from the date of dispatch of each shipment. $ `' `, d9 Y5 c2 a  Q
我方同意分3批发货,贵方可以向我方开立以每次发货日期起的见票后60天付款的汇票( q/ M( d+ f4 C8 x
. ?" P4 r( Y" u& @. \
521.Could you make an exception in our case and accept D/P or D/A? : d+ z1 N) n0 T' I; D3 @

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 18:买方的支付方式

</p>522.I hope you would leave us some leeway in terms of payment.
- l* l0 y7 z8 A! M0 s2 c7 |我希望在付款条件方面你们能通融一些
# Y" e. V  P' a! D: ^( W+ Z: p523.Would you agree to a 30-day credit period?
  P1 C, L% N( {3 J5 C贵方能同意60天的付款期吗?
: _/ A/ s# R3 E9 W/ t( u. e524.Because of the money problem, I hope that you can allow us to pay in installments with the first payment after delivery, then we’ll pay the rest once month. * F+ t' f: ]1 Z- Y, `7 `8 @
由于我方有些财务上的困难,希望贵方能允许我方分期付款,在交货后先支付第一笔款项,余下的货款则按每月一次支付- A1 P2 _. ^2 Z" l8 i
525.We are having some trouble in receiving payment, so we want to ask if we could defer payment until the end of the month. : w/ h$ }% m8 U2 t
因为收款方面有点麻烦,贵方可不可以将我方的贷款延迟到月底再支付- n: g$ I2 l' V; v
526.We refer payment after delivery, because these goods are very expensive. . Z. R' L8 i. i& C
由于这批货物很昂贵,所以我方希望在交货以后付款! D4 T0 g4 u- R9 h7 L3 x- l+ p
527.We hope to payment by bill of exchange at 30d/s .
$ W1 H. b8 T+ ^我方希望以30天期的汇票付款6 ^' [# F4 }/ X) Y) A+ p
528.We hope you can accept payment in other currencies expect in US dollars.
4 w! h2 `% ?$ e- H/ c$ f我方希望除了美元之外,贵方能接受其它货币的付款
: y3 z- c' A  c0 ?0 R- g529.We shall be very happy if you can grant us a extension of 2 weeks.
1 ?% B& e3 A3 Z8 t; H. `8 U0 A如果贵方能给予两个星期的宽限的话,我方会很高兴的
" v$ q' P, `6 p5 q2 Y530.We ask to put off the time of our payment 3 months later to facilitate the capital turnover.3 t0 V& S) e: [# b0 o% }
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