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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 28:对索赔要求的回应

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《商务英语口语900句》Unit 28:对索赔要求的回应 & |8 c9 |1 l" a2 U1 Y% \
Unit twenty-Eight 对索赔要求的回应( u7 `: d* Z' H1 F# z( h
Part One
' y% a* T# I$ I% C4 r831.We accept the claim, but can you tell me how much you want us to compensate you for & M. k) X  e& G" @) j
the loss?
+ s7 R( U2 Q0 a/ R7 G7 b我们接受索赔,但你能告诉我赔偿你多少损失
8 X5 e, E6 r( Z: B' i+ c3 T7 g0 O832.We will give your request for claims immediate attention.
1 s6 D0 g/ C- H6 f7 Z) p" W8 f我们将密切关注你方索赔的要求
8 X3 `2 e! P% K: d# R7 l833.We will get this matter resolved as soon as possible and hope to compensate you for your + L. }0 E( }) }. }9 s5 H- R
loss to your satisfaction.
. v( k  I: j$ b$ m- k我们将尽早地解决此事,希望赔偿你方损失直到满意为止& q! s9 H5 x0 c9 I; Q  @7 c3 h
834.We’d like to express our sincere apologies for the poor quality of the products. * m! b2 o" E' F4 i
& ~. S9 C' w. q7 S  E# @835.We regret to hear that the goods you received are not of the quality expected.
  M! S2 ~0 z0 o) i' W我们遗憾地获悉你收的货物未达你所期望的质量0 F0 N5 t" C  ~: G" L1 E5 L& N
836.We are very sorry for the trouble cause by this delay. ) H" o/ E/ P- K$ N9 g# F/ q, c
因延误造成的麻烦深表歉意- k# n1 D$ y- s& }  V
837.We agree to accept all your claim. # M" w1 v; {* W& _, E0 T* y
1 M  G! T. S8 }2 M# B/ C6 z838.I’ll go to your company tomorrow in person to talk about the claim.
; J, q( ]# B; D3 x  f我明天去贵司私下讨论索赔事宜
9 F& }2 j8 S  l* `6 i839.We regret the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you $800.
2 n' L+ `6 n. |. C* G我们为你方遭受的损失表示歉意并同意赔偿800美金
- x. n$ L# h, U  q840.We agree to compensate you for the detective watches by 5% of the total value. # h( b* g0 n. E
我们同意就缺陷手表赔偿总金额的5%5 N: ]2 }' z8 j, Q* W3 Y! i5 q
841.We will make you a compensation of 6% and give you some preferential terms later on. 1 r) L4 e  O6 M0 {4 ~4 ?9 L
我们将赔偿6%并在今后给你特别条款2 H- X9 F' K" a, i( U' r* N6 ]' q# T
842.Since the responsibility rests with both parties, we are ready to pay 50% of the loss only. ) X4 ^( ]6 x' q
: I1 |$ ]* R) }; N, N9 `; |843.We have credited to your account £760 to cover both the value of the goods short 0 j' E- Z0 q5 U
delivered and your inspection fee.
5 Q% ?  [$ X, E0 N/ x6 z我们已汇760美金,包括迟交货损失和贵司检查费/ b; d0 H" j# X. m9 `# H0 }
844.We shall remit to you an amount of £2,000 in compensation for the loss. 7 j. R. x1 ?# U; K
我们将汇损失赔偿金额2,000美金: j- p( c1 k" ]. A9 x0 c( t
845.We are willing to give you an 18% allowance of the next shipment to compensate you for * [0 y7 Y/ T4 U3 W5 z/ l0 _
the loss.
# T+ S: J/ C( b$ A我们愿在下批货给你18%的补偿来赔偿你方损失
( D. k! S* l1 l2 x, m8 K) QPart Two 6 [+ y2 l8 W" ?7 W) q
846.You should claim compensation from the insurance company .
5 l0 Z7 V( W8 X3 G你应该向保险公司索赔
4 r7 p' L) D. S. s5 l! w" M847.A thorough examination showed that the broken bags were due to improper packing, for & [" W  b0 B# O2 b4 F4 [( [3 D
which the suppliers should be held responsible.
2 W; Q9 o* b' V# \/ d( b- B彻底检查表明袋子破损归因于包装不合适,供应商应该承担责任0 K& o/ j4 [8 R* z! e. m
848.As the shipping company is liable for the damage, your claim for compensation should , 0 H& }. U2 n. ~4 _8 ]  B, y" b
in our opinion, be referred to them for settlement. 9 w$ U  C$ X  j+ U0 p
7 L  D& `8 C  b/ U- k( d8 [% @! F849.The claim should be referred to the insurance company. We cannot hold ourselves % a) R) [+ J! c( k1 S$ t
responsible for it.
4 i, _" c7 @! z4 }索赔应交与保险公司,我们不为它承担责任
( Q6 n5 \- o, C9 P6 b850.Your claim, in our opinion, should be referred to the insurance company, as the mishap
# X( I. j/ Z% l) A& g& y7 e" L- s* Loccurred after shipment.
3 x# ]9 a4 v6 m- Y& C' k据我方所见,你们的索赔应交保险公司,因为是运输产生的灾难
8 _2 j& j* f6 C851.Since the damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company, you should
% ?& B& B4 T5 Kclaim on it for recovery of the loss. 7 O, l# c9 a( v" @+ m# x  A$ b
既然损坏是因轮船公司野蛮搬运所致,你们应向它们索赔来挽回损失5 R" i  g8 E# Y% a$ r+ V
852.You should claim compensation from the shipping company instead of the sellers.
; J( s3 C+ A. w3 Y; ~  M你们应向船公司索赔而非卖方
$ _& u; p5 W3 p2 X853.We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation, but not the amount you
" f0 H$ U$ C( I* y, A0 Mclaimed.
: C! N4 Q$ c! U- \, ^/ U我们准备给你一个合理的赔偿,而非你要求索赔的数字0 O1 z% P& a' T4 a2 i$ P8 H. [
854.The shortage you claimed might have occurred in the course of transit, which is out of 8 R+ o. a5 l# s3 P" g/ n
our control.
' [( P% R  u/ e% z你短货的索赔也许发生在运输中,那不在我们掌控范围内
& i9 Y4 i$ o, o/ L7 z855.The shipping documents can prove that the goods, when shipped, were in perfect / l( ?6 z2 I" M( n( {3 R5 ]
condition. They must have been damaged en route. $ E! p4 _- C' ~- U& t
. {5 T5 t$ b( A+ l/ Y5 h6 I856.Your proposal to settle the claim is satisfactory. We’ll take it.
- @4 P& N& e* d( ~你方解决索赔的建议让人满意,我们将去执行
, |( a. ^( ]4 {8 w- g857.It seems we shall not be held liable for the shortage.
% J9 y* N) c$ J( U/ p* j! z似乎我们不能为短货负责
8 K& W$ w# h4 Y! T" W8 d; U" E858.The damage to the machine-tools occurred in transit, so you should make a claim on the ) _7 s% K' X& A1 h$ J7 f( M& ^
insurance company.
5 H- Z7 F8 n7 |  x1 D0 e& J# J机器工具运输途中受损,故你应该向保险公司索赔
# j$ g' b( ?$ a2 z( M859.I’m sorry to hear that. I think after we make an investigation of the matter, we’ll consider ! M1 }+ Z$ @) k. o
the allowance. Is it OK ? + j# ]1 m5 p& K/ c. L
* b% S) ~% R) F; a' A: ^  F: {8 w, Y860.I’ll try to find out why the shirts we sent you are a smaller size and inform you of the / t0 o/ x4 y0 V, j# S+ n: X
result as soon as possible
5 Q. }. I  e9 ~我将试着找出为何我们发给你的衬衫是小尺码,我将尽早告诉你结果

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