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[综合辅导] 2011年中级商务英语辅导:口试会话素材(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2011年中级商务英语辅导:口试会话素材(1); v/ `& B. R6 G/ B
1.Cash award 现金奖励
+ f) d/ M0 [7 l7 n* w: r7 S  A: How about cash award to push the sales?
! k1 Q( \) d5 W8 }  B: We can consider that. But how much should we offer?5 I4 r7 ]2 u  m: M
  A:用现金奖励来推动销售怎么样?7 u9 Z5 S, |2 ~$ v$ K
  B:可以考虑,但给多少呢?外语学习网) m! D! \2 V9 v7 r) G
  2.Close the deal 完成交易
4 P/ ?0 ^% s' \' d: e$ q1 A  A: We need to close the deal as soon as possible.$ W6 b' ?/ ?5 N0 I, {  p6 [
  B: I understand. We need cash.
! \; J2 o4 V! y  A:我们得尽快完成交易。) ?' K% c& X. h( D- a' m7 ~
. }+ F- }0 [. b  p: P1 Z  3.Cold calls 电话推销& h1 R  T6 R; g2 B; ?3 L/ P
  A: Do we make cold calls?
4 Y( [$ ?. S$ d/ \% w7 m. j" \  B: We don't. It's not very effective.% p  w4 J8 `  H9 f2 O
6 w8 O) g0 g4 X2 x  B:不做,电话推销不是很有效。
) b3 l, ]+ Y! T7 B5 ^  4.Collection of payment 回款
1 F7 A" g/ q( p4 _  A: What is the term of collection of payment?
/ G8 f" v& p6 _! d  B: Thirty day net.4 D, [. H# f0 F3 f8 \4 m
5 Q3 H9 V% S) K; R  B:30天不加息。+ Q, J" D  J  `- z* w
  5.Customer visit 客户参观
* h' e; i6 ]6 G: [" I* Z/ c5 B  A: There will be a customer visit next Wednesday.0 B% t, q8 v& ?+ S, f% q
  B: We will get prepared.
$ K' D1 P. @! h  A:下周三有客户来参观。
4 B8 V- `$ n( H  g, A4 ~  B:我们会做好准备的

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