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[综合辅导] 2011年中级商务英语辅导:口试会话素材(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2011年中级商务英语辅导:口试会话素材(3)" Q, A2 \* G1 b: k* }* z- q
1.ROS (Return on sales) 销售利润! g/ w! i: F; {5 X0 h
  A: How about return on sales?
. v& y1 n( E- O0 S3 ^; y/ x  B: 12%.% o( i: F! K; J9 b$ s
( [7 W3 B3 p/ y- x% Q  B:12%。+ d1 V6 I' l  d0 w$ u) p
  2.Sales agreement 销售协议
1 z8 X! s1 a% ^+ v  A: We had the price agreement with the customer now. How about the sales agreement?. S8 w  E3 Z& Q8 z+ `0 @
  B: That was signed as well.
6 i0 m# l# V) w' e- j3 k2 M  A:我们现在与客户有价格协议了,那么销售协议呢?
! U  F! K7 r5 p  ]; z' ?; E  B:也签了。( d9 L& `* h. E. W7 X
  3.Sales show 销售展$ |$ t  y3 d6 t+ \+ p# Y% I- d
  A: There is a sales show next Sunday. Would you like to take a look?2 |7 a5 s8 y  Y2 A
  B: Why not? I'm always interested in new cars.
5 }# h  C% B% R9 r  A:下周日有一次销售展,你能来看吗?
  t$ g9 y" }2 P  B:为什么不呢?我对新车很感兴趣。
+ a1 [4 W; _6 w  4.Salesman 推销员0 _: v) f- U# e( ^) T' s9 X+ k
  A: What makes a good salesman?' J6 u; I9 G3 @% {7 ]% N# ?; y
  good salesman wins the trust of the customer.
/ U! |- C- ]/ ^9 I% ]1 F  A:怎样做一个好销售员?% z8 D: [! j& \/ X, ]6 \: E
  :好的销售员要能赢得顾客的信任。4 p3 V6 S1 P3 ^  V% ?
  5.Seal the deal 成交
# Y% k4 A. h" |  I/ i  A: It's been three months. We are still not able to seal the deal.
1 v# [0 A0 b" v' a& E: A: U  B: The customer is backing off. We need to find out why.* N6 L7 {7 O; o7 E, z3 M  N: I8 c. Z
# T3 C* C/ G7 [  B:客户在退缩,我们得找找原因。

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