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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析二十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
bonded goods (n) imported items on which customs duties must be paid before they can be collected by the imported or exported again保税货物
: z, Y8 A+ v6 _0 ~8 f2 j3 U[例]  We need permission to release these bonded goods to the importer.3 C8 v% G' B9 t8 o9 D, E
bonded house (n) a building where bonded goods are kept until the customs duty has been paid and they can be collected by the importer or exported again 保税仓库
" Q  ^* z* `; n+ O5 m8 V* v1 f[例] The cargo is still in the bonded house.# S, c' O% {9 d4 z
bonus [ 5bEunEs ] (n.) additional payment奖金,红利  M8 ?! T  ~% B% ~
[例]  Our department manager has been given an annual bonus for his good performance.
2 ]8 c4 V2 Z& j3 Z[同义词]  dividend4 q6 y9 O* R% ^! J+ |( }
book [ buk ] (v.) to arrange for (tickets or lodgings, for example) in advance; reserve 预订
( w) z% ^% l2 t[例]  The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel.: X: ~! W" J- Y( k
books (n. pl) the financial records of a company公司帐目
) y  b8 w/ a. N" Z) e! z[例]  The books of the company clearly reveals its bad debt.
# w0 j0 O, u% I# ?; e book value (n.) value of assets as recorded in the company’s books帐面价值, ]9 j( W3 S7 t/ b
[例]  Except at the time of purchase of the asset, the book value of the asset is seldom the same as its market value.  B  i2 K- f, N
bookkeeper [ 5buk7ki:pE ] (n.) person who keeps the financial records of a company会计员! i" \- B% t; j3 y& r
boom [ bu:m ] (n.) time when business activity is increasing繁荣
) R0 B' a; P$ z9 d! d[例]  We must take advantage of the economic boom.
' H: |& h+ A  I8 w) A5 Y[同义词]  prosper, thrive, flourish

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