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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
debt [ det ] (n.) money owed 债务+ Q% Z( ?& k# \: e$ F7 b
[同义词]  liability, obligation, due 7 X" v% @! S% f
to get into debt  负债
& I4 J# V. e% Q! }8 g+ G2 dto be out of debt 不欠债 ! M. s: m" M* n
to pay off a debt  偿清债务
) B' {* Q" q. ^% {7 h: j8 B3 P6 Ndebt ratio (n) the relationship between the total amount of money owned by a company and the company’s shareholder’s funds负债比率
1 P: p; K6 `  \! F[例] As the debt ratio is ever-increasing, investors fell uncertain about the prospect of the company.
: `: Q0 h% z4 X9 L! b/ a, ldebtor [ 5detE ] (n.) person who owes money 债务人
8 k; J7 X* n4 W5 Z' Taged debtors companies which owe money listed according to age of debt 长期债务人 ; `/ D* b6 o$ ?8 w  n2 A& M' X
declare[ di5klZE ] (v.) make an official statement公布) c. e! w8 u+ p2 p) y7 ]6 Q
[例]  The company declared interim profits of 420 million. 0 ^$ b/ I2 [& x' G0 I6 ^
decline [ di5klain ]1. (n.) slow fall下滑3 }: V- J) c; N, q
[同义词]  decrease7 s: ]2 w* O- _, c: @% V
2. (v.) fall slowly下滑
9 g8 L  M4 a$ |1 U[同义词]  decrease
) X+ E( R" s7 A1 e/ ^- c# F1 |. {& Q' `[例]  When the income level of the consumers declines, the market price for house will fall accordingly. ; F5 l+ h. E1 h; f' @
deduct [ di5dQkt ] (v.) subtract from the total figure 扣除
8 q1 a, ?& F- J# L' ~, C# e& m[例]  After deducting all the costs, we actually made a loss.
5 I. W1 J; q* ^( B* [[同义词]  subtract, take away 3 p& a7 d8 I. t- G6 t
deductible [ di5dQktEbl ] (adj.) which can be deducted可扣除的
- z0 Y! B; \8 `; n( Y[例]  tax-deductible 0 F2 R! _3 I$ F
deduction [ di5dQkFEn ] (n.) subtraction from the total figure扣除,减除
4 [. C6 F$ g" R( E6 x! ?; t7 F  E: N5 w[例]  after deduction of tax  i  [* ~. l) E$ R( N
[同义词]  subtraction, reduction, decrease

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