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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
default [ di5fC:lt ] 1. (n.) failure to meet the terms of a contract未履行
: P5 X/ m1 A* N2. (v.) to fail to meet the terms of a contract违约
9 J; W4 r1 M/ }! V7 X$ g/ Y. I+ p[例]  In the end they have to meet a default.  
6 f5 H/ y. u5 \$ X1 J# S8 v& Zdefect [ di5fekt ] (n.) fault, something wrong in the design of a machine缺陷
6 F. ~9 i, l% l1 g[例]  There is a small defect in this product.  
' p/ J; u4 _1 X/ s' qdefective [ di5fektiv ] (adj.) not working properly有缺陷的: s% B7 A7 _+ ?4 O. d
[例]  The defective working line slowed down the entire production process.
$ v% K; ]7 a) _1 Q  {defer [ di5fE: ] (v.) to put off to a later date推迟; S! r3 B+ w2 r1 }: R% j
[例]  Please defer shipment until you receive our further instructions.
" R6 a6 \" N( t2 h% y8 E2 s/ D[同义词]  delay, postpone, ajourn" X( c& \  V2 ~
5 o; z6 G! x( j2 K, Q
deferred payments (n.) payments postponed to a later date延期付款1 v3 F& u: T8 a' g* \4 Q+ c0 B8 U
[例]  We cannot accept deferred payment. ( p8 N6 B0 C0 g8 C6 f* R& ~  ^
deficit [ 5defisit ] (n.) amount by which expenditure is higher than income赤字0 X5 o/ b% S' Z" T* N; _- f; A" g& [- Z
[例]  They have incurred trade deficit for several years.
' L+ a' h, R8 k# y& F[同义词]  shortage, shortfall,deficiency 1 ?: v  J9 p1 }! ~; H
deflation [dI5fleIF(E)n ](n) a reduction in the amount of money circulating in a country’s economy, so that prices fall or remain steady 通货紧缩; {4 Q# k  J/ D) l9 ~7 ]$ U
[例]  Under the policy of deflation , prices have fallen back to a normal level & l9 V  {1 v- T- V/ a* H( }
delegate [ 5deli^it ] 1. (v.) to give authority and responsibility to someone to act on one’s behalf委派为…代表 2. (n.) person to whom authority and responsibility are given代理 3. (n.) person representing an organization at a meeting or conference大会代表1 D: E% n, m' x8 L& J+ u0 Z
[例] We note that you will have delegated your Miss Chris to attend the Shanghai Fair.

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