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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
hype [ haip ] (n.) exaggerated statements in advertising大肆宣传 + N) O$ s% N' j, ^. W" y2 [5 W0 l
[例]  We should not use hype in advertising to cheat our customers.
  Y: J6 {+ z( j( F; S* t7 X* e   + x  j" M/ l! J) [# k4 X1 E
idle money (n) money that is not circulated or invested and does not earn interest 闲置资金
0 X1 X8 ^; z" K3 T  
2 [. R4 @& e1 t9 R, Cimage [ 5imidV ] (n.) view or opinion that people have about a company or product印象,形象 3 p, ]* }" z: \  t3 H0 l3 Q4 d' n
[例]  Corporate image is important to a company. 6 p% v0 e! C' @2 X$ H
# A* k0 |' @% D# y* x7 S0 ^impact [ 5impAkt ] (n.) a strong effect冲击 8 P9 O# j! ~, ~$ h, O! L
[例]  The ad had tremendous impact. 0 H( E# X, c/ S
[同义词]  collision
3 D, l  M( C0 D+ C6 M8 x! Z  1 Y' Q1 v2 B4 r. P& }' ~; E
implement [ 5implimEnt ] (v.) put into action执行 . ^+ ]) ]9 g4 f; d0 }
[例]  All the prevailing regulations should be implemented in our practice.  
: ?* n& L2 ~: ?! B2 n. f- b[同义词]  execute, carry out . Y$ f9 ~/ E9 F8 W
' X: I. C/ Y, y$ Z% f; x4 j& K& p0 cimplementation [ 7implimen5teiFEn ] (n.) putting into action执行 - g6 N) Q; W% G7 m8 P! N5 v
  + i; a  \/ g0 Y' X
incentive [ in5sentiv ] (n.) something which motivates激励 & g5 L6 f% [+ _1 ~( T1 H
[例]  We need to offer incentives to people joining the company. 2 }3 i5 }$ |  h- w; s# [) s0 v. V' R
[同义词]  inducement, motivation
# z: R' N" d4 K  ( ^0 [6 Q5 B; O+ i
income [ 5inkEm ] (n.) 1.wages and salary工资 6 e1 I' q3 g& t+ p: F
[例]  Employees expect their incomes to be maintained and carry on rising. ; Q/ z+ }6 C7 R5 C
2.money received through operations or investment收入 - M" j# Q. H+ d8 C+ }4 |
  ! W+ E" K9 K! h- X5 u
earned income money earned through work劳动收入 ! d+ W8 y0 N( I$ A3 I: w
9 U8 H5 ^4 O! k' iunearned income money received from investments 非劳动收入,投资收入

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