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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Reply to an enquiry for steel screws  
  ^6 L; |7 k* c! P" g答復鋼螺釘詢價  
' L2 h( f& v% O4 `- ADear Mr Brown,  ( q. P( y5 |" M5 O6 ?* W
布朗先生,  ! ~1 q( o! H3 {# A0 H* v! x
Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1998. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation:  ) a: E$ _) j! A+ u0 ~& I
貴公司1998年10月2日詢價函收悉.如下報價需在本公司確認后,方可有效:  ( L, b& h9 A" j; _7 S  k
Production: Steel screws  
6 Q. J8 P8 i' [5 C# Y, Y產品:鋼螺釘  
4 `* @8 i9 h8 P- L# {0 dSpecifications: As per the attached list  $ H& h( n! c7 U( U
7 u' h$ d2 f* o  YPacking: Loose in boxes of 5kg net  " W' K: @" p  r, w0 P0 C
包裝:凈重5公斤散裝箱  . w2 {  \( J+ U7 b8 ~4 Y: k
Quantity: 100 boxes  
+ J$ Z" B3 O& \) D數量:100箱  
% ~5 \6 Y6 V& @; F4 ?! M4 APrice: As per the attached list  
) ]2 w$ P) E( l8 u& J價格:依照附表  
2 Q. f% W3 ~/ k3 O+ ]7 ^Shipment: January/February 1999  + I0 p. t7 G) p2 u/ f4 ^. y
裝運:1999年1月至2月  ' P' H1 _2 y# J8 f' b
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.  
( _" l6 G) [9 k- i$ d, ]付款:保況不可撤銷即期信用證,需於裝運前230天開立  
+ W: _" i. N# M! Z$ TUnder separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.  
6 E& `6 R$ E3 O& ]0 j* y另函附寄各型號樣本、商品目錄和價格表.  
. H0 l5 M1 R& W: y8 p+ z" Q* o; SIf you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.  ) T& T$ ~9 d' O. f+ U% g3 U
/ Z) i" u- T" V/ ?- Q( K3 e7 pYours sincerely,  
5 y# h  n  g8 p0 c* K8 YK T Chang  ) d4 h3 I8 v- k: ~2 ]
Sales Manager  
0 p5 k8 F, B0 \* P% Y銷售部經理  7 Y+ v, |' u2 k+ X
================================  0 h0 J: k; `8 f$ N7 i  s
Useful phrases  
( |3 n( B( \& B1.We would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation  " ]( E; O& Y9 ~
如下報價需在本公司確認后,方可有效  - {3 [% M- T9 @! @, v0 I
2. Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.  
% X/ J2 v( @& T- I另函附寄各型號樣本、商品目錄和價格表.  
) J- Z( C( s( W2 l" K5 l==================================  & z" J& r" a; }. E
Notes段意解說  * T/ r0 m8 q6 g# V# h- w$ {
1.Acknowledge the enquiry identifying the reference  % T( k# d/ ^8 H* |
確認來函和查詢事宜.  , x2 x5 `, c) Q
2.Tabulate the details of the offer for absolute clarity. Define the method of payment (letter of credit) precisely.  7 c9 w8 R) O6 e+ Q, a+ R, F/ ^
把各項要點詳列成表.清楚注明付款規定.  & V/ g8 n6 \( Y! K9 D. r
3.List samples and other enclosures to be sent in a separate parcel.  
% J2 R, r& A, w. _4 S告知有關附件和樣本將另函寄奉.  
! X& X) V- e6 U0 S4.Encourage a speedy reply  
& a! N2 W+ H1 l+ c/ @4 y  e敦促早日回復.

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