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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Offering a substitute  
! D# ~2 u+ Z! w: S6 S1 u" e% \提供代用品報盤  
( g3 A" @0 v  V4 S4 \. k  p( sDear Mrs Stones,  
1 m! [5 i2 b* }" H斯通太太,  * H' a% S; Q9 L8 z( I, n: S9 c
Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.  
1 ~# ~( L, ^: F貴公司9月23日詢問有關634號印花棉布價格的電傳已收到,多謝來函.  
) z# N9 `/ Z9 O# hWe appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.  9 y' z. \1 w" x) I; S  v7 m
. z. S6 L7 v; T9 }# {We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close substitute.  6 \( E7 T$ E& Y6 \& Z
' X* ]8 m7 D+ @$ c500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre  
0 R4 B) }3 t6 PCIF New York, including your commission of 2%  ) o: p3 Z9 a# {7 E+ o+ m3 R/ ~0 ]% a
+ g* Y- g. @9 O# \, f到岸價,當中包括貴公司佣金2%  
) `7 \$ q! d) c* L& v" p0 [. c0 G  S$ kA sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.  ' i  w/ D7 c. A( B& i4 R) N
隨函敬附樣本供貴公司參考.若滿意樣本質量,請盡快電傳復實.  ' j/ A% r7 B1 V1 r
2 i9 E( U& N. ?1 l5 [6 i
Your sincerely,  
0 t% ~5 E* \9 Z6 P4 yJ S Chowdry  8 F* ?2 O6 x, E5 U
Sales Manager  
, d; ^6 r+ L2 C% o, a; v銷售部經理  . U3 r/ _4 J) b* R
8 Z1 r, f  A& P- o$ b7 f! R4 RUseful phrases  
; v" s1 U! I; L4 C( s8 i# ]1. We regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.  
* ~5 h: q* l0 K+ K) n但因有關產品需求殷切,未能滿足公司要求,深感遺憾.  ) Z, e) v% f2 u* ]; V
2. We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close substitute.  
& Q% a6 E; J. l% A6 v. f然而,本公司另有出產類似的織品.  6 x* N+ N* f! m
3. A sample is enclosed for your reference  
+ Q, G& Y( v/ P6 G: O# A' ]隨函敬附樣本供貴公司參考  
+ _8 [& g4 m% K& E============================================

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


Notes段意解說  ( V( o. [: |- E$ {* _( L
1. Identify the reference and goods.  0 N* Y+ \3 k4 E9 }, e
確認來函,列明有關貨品.  1 s7 |: U) J0 b9 d. h/ i: p1 q
2. State the reason why you can not accept the order  
4 l, k' n+ G# ]: a. T解釋未能滿足收信人要求的原因  & T1 A0 U! f' r
3. Offer a substitute with details of the offer  
1 `: Q' I3 S, r. @9 ?! H# n8 X提供代用品及列明有關詳情.  
3 x$ F* E  H# E( |4 n9 B. l8 F1 {& t4. Enclose anything required by the prospective purchaser to make a decision. Urge acceptance.  
  C2 P8 l2 d2 M+ a, t附寄代用品樣本,敦促回復.  , p5 C; ~2 P3 M! _, g( F
==================================  2 }3 N4 E5 {9 ]5 [) }, H
Alternative phrases  7 m1 I# f& g- m5 l' u- \
Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.  
3 N" y! N2 S0 M. [. h% j% G(Many thanks for…)  + }# O  D0 p$ |3 R
We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.  
5 a3 E. o/ f6 ](We are grateful for…)  / X% L8 p+ k3 U+ i) n/ d
(…and, as a result, we are very sorry that…)  " y" t  X6 |4 Y" Y9 m
(…the goods you required because of heavy demand)  
, _' a- I3 v9 y0 {/ MWe would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close substitute.  
  [: c: ^, d; T8 [' ^
( \+ R9 `0 Y/ l3 y500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre  - S2 U/ g6 `/ N
CIF New York, including your commission of 2%  - Y2 p2 i& a: R$ E
( s6 |/ R# l1 _8 S6 j* P: w0 c
A sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.  
& k, Z( [' l/ r(If the sample is…)  
" m" {5 s/ h/ X8 y% ]================================================  0 Q5 i+ c! d. c
Comments評注  1 I" ]# e% p; T5 ]3 x' S9 |
The seller is unable to accept an order and state the reasons. In a case like this, it is a good idea to offer a substitute in an effort to win an order. It appears that the prospective buyer is an intermediary or agent who operates on commission which is included in the price of the goods.  5 C3 G7 Y$ x* W+ |- r$ Q8 M
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