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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Thank a customer for an order
6 h0 _+ O' @# k0 @8 ]3 b  U4 _Dear Mr Dakin,
+ z+ l8 J/ Y' Q: q1 X% yThank you for your order no.464 of 20 September.
. e4 H/ q, q8 j' f) _5 NThe models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.
1 @, q: C/ N. ?# t. Q4 FThe package is being airfreighted to your on Swissair . The relevant documentation is enclosed. 9 C6 ]! Z0 O9 Q0 {! Q5 c0 F
I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our companies. ; g/ f- m5 b# U  X4 e- h; ^+ _2 x% ~
The next time you visit us,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our direction. * i9 h! u* D; V+ H0 _9 M
Yours sincerely, 4 G- o/ v# w# e* g6 M4 S
Jean-Pierre Prost
9 R3 n4 S4 V+ E+ Q: h4 }# cSales Manager & O5 S' i- R9 O4 d
====================================== $ Q/ G) [+ C. a$ U! o
Thank a customer for an order
% T. f1 ~+ d6 j3 O4 z8 a) g感謝客戶訂貨
$ K; }# t% _3 J$ L9 V1 `8 B5 T6 HDear Mr Dakin, " B: n5 h8 R0 b7 R+ E& E
代金先生.   I+ Y( v3 R3 Z
Thank you for your order no.464 of 20 September. * X9 y) m+ s/ Z
謝謝9月20日第464號定單. 3 k3 z) L& t7 w2 [1 q2 s
The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.
' ~: c+ L6 ?' [* f9 y/ P今天我已親自監督發送您自展展覽室挑選的產品
" `. t( W! |6 Q% N8 sThe package is being airfreighted to your on Swissair . The relevant documentation is enclosed.
* S$ I9 q8 `8 |2 [/ x1 r該產品隨附有關文件經瑞士航空公司運送.
# Q4 l- |. F8 {+ A# ]I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our companies.
2 o5 ?& X6 y: c8 B! G( b* q很榮幸與您會面,衷心希望是次定單能加強雙方的關系. 0 D, O, `2 W' E& \
The next time you visit us,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our direction. . U, k4 c6 U8 D: t  k& x
下次到方前,煩請賜知,以能安排與本公司董事會共進午餐. : ]2 X( o! g, c9 v
Yours sincerely,
' L! I8 ^& \9 r2 K( P* ?Jean-Pierre Prost
' D8 V$ g2 q5 a) H% x& K7 f1 t4 ESales Manager
, |0 G, e* ~9 @' Y5 C銷售部經理 8 Z/ {6 c* N+ J* |) X3 X  a* }
============================================ ! T" [  N: g' L2 d- M% \% Y3 @
Useful phrases
% `/ Y8 p0 {% x$ a# Z7 T0 w1.The models you selected went out today under my personal supervison. 7 C8 j2 d) ^% o2 Z2 }' X' k
今天我已親自監督發送 您自展覽室挑選的產品. : C! J6 W9 ?: e3 Y( X" \  E& c
2.I hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationshiop between our companies.
0 ~# G+ \3 S2 ^- @衷心希望是次定單能加強雙方的關系. 5 z% s7 \8 r% W1 U" {, @& h2 m
3 B) y, J) u9 xNotes
0 E+ G2 i" A1 [/ @2 m& L9 G1.Identify the reference 2 j3 t. A6 G0 V7 f' d. I; g
指出有關的定單 1 @$ G. w% I, l$ W
2.Give the shipping date.   B' F( ]; a/ H* Y# M5 H
+ ]0 l* W% H! i& j3.State the means of delivery and mention the enclosure
- U. N) `/ L2 k' Q% j9 F提及貨口隨附文件送上
2 q" J8 h8 ~6 l& o2 K4&5 End with a friendly message. 0 k: `( u& W6 B; E& O7 A8 h9 m
7 u0 C# Z# K; }/ r=====================================
) g+ j$ s* D, q  B6 W$ Q! WAlternative phrases 替代用語 ( k5 e% f' M8 Y1 i  ^( }( v
Thank you for your order no.464 of 20 September. : x1 C/ x: Z( a2 s
(Many thanks for …) ' _. E) k' A7 O( K5 f3 g
The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.
3 Z: X. m$ ^" D. Z' y  H(The goods your chose…) 0 V. V4 P8 d5 a- B0 G3 ]( Z
The package is being airfreighted to your on Swissair . The relevant documentation is enclosed. $ h6 J( C4 \' X: U" e0 l4 W7 \
(I enclose the relevant documents.)
) \; I5 w* L, V/ h; ^I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our companies.
% c4 N: Z! T7 E+ q& Z, ~- P9 x/ Y# eThe next time you visit us,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for your with our direction. 8 B/ U& }* i4 {1 C5 X
(When you visit us again…)
: W( I, L8 O6 v' |( d7 _7 m: A===================================   A, l# U4 v# h: H9 ~: `: c
Comments 評注
. l& y, H# ]* R6 j; W, L1 x- iThis letter confirms shipment of an order. The vendor makes it clear that he will personally supervise transactions. The offer of hospitality should further consolidate the business relationship. ; S4 m5 r, ?- V8 }2 e

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