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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信二十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Announcing a price increase    a* H7 ^9 G# J) k) M# w$ a
Dear sirs,  . Z1 @" o  L6 F1 x7 F' ~% m# c0 G
We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997.  
. v, C  d4 R# n' C
: s) z3 d- V+ n6 m9 T4 R$ F: uYou will see that there have been a number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Our range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular lines,however,have been retained unchanged.  : y! g+ ~' a* n9 \8 Z! ]1 x

; r$ @8 M6 p9 I8 m& |' I* NYou will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not,however,increased our prices across the board. In many cases,there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all.  2 C  p8 H6 d) D
& J. R: L: z# M# m9 M6 }. u; Z2 d/ K- }
We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continue to be first class.  . x* k% z& ]* v- a% P# {' w

4 p8 M; v( ~8 LWe look forward to receiving your orders.  
2 k( }5 _2 V! l& |, o, L2 `+ Y4 A; QYours faithfully,  6 i+ v. f0 p- ~8 [* \$ J% V
Tim Smith  
( M/ ^( T: a8 C) v/ ~Export Sales Manager  
2 P9 J3 r7 p0 S$ B  y/ V, \===================================  
$ m- f* p' r& yAnnouncing a price increase  
* Y/ Z# c4 h; Z* ~" O% }, P3 E- I& ?通知客戶價格調整  
% I5 M9 j+ v( z; I* `Dear sirs,  # p& R$ X" t- B1 v5 _2 Y
敬啟者,  ( j! G# x, y2 p2 e3 N! P
We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997.  : M' b/ ]" D+ f9 K: x( y4 U
僅附上新的產品目錄和價格表,.修床價格定於1997年4月11日起生效.  & x( Z8 c  i+ E
You will see that there have been a number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Our range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular lines,however,have been retained unchanged.  
) g8 n' ?. r! `- h產品系列有一些變化,增加了不少改良的型號.推出一系列新款的洗衣機,但許多流行的型號仍保持不變.  
( ?7 P3 s  C0 t- tYou will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not,however,increased our prices across the board. In many cases,there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all.  9 Q$ c) j8 A! I& b
2 x7 a* _. z* H" r2 t3 cWe can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continue to be first class.  
3 ?+ b' z2 Z; b2 D  z3 o本公司堅守一貫信念,務求出產優質之耐用消費品,適應顧客的需要.  
8 k+ @' G) h( x6 c! ?We look forward to receiving your orders.  
& [/ J" c# U9 \盼繼續合作.  
) p7 E% E6 q2 _9 FYours faithfully,  
* t( C+ R  J7 D5 R0 s5 Y; A. rTim Smith  
8 r; L- c7 Q9 M/ Y- l/ JExport Sales Manager  
8 q6 n: N0 f9 @( ^! g銷售部經理  
$ g4 R  i- T* s7 S% r====================================

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


Useful phrases實用短語  4 l! e% |$ x: ^- G' k7 r5 M: _9 V1 j
1.We enclose our new catalogue and price list  
8 `& e6 E, P' }& G/ ~僅附上新的產品目錄和價格表.  
8 T! D# P, g: f3 v1 ]8 d8 C4 ^' J2.You will see that there have been a number of changes in our product range.  7 w* S- q( R7 t
產品系列有一大革新…  3 ^  O1 e+ @. r  F# u3 Y8 U
3.Some price increases have been unavoidable.  7 @/ N) p& [5 Q" ~/ \3 K
…邊帶令貨品價格上漲.勢  , g3 M+ j) l5 y: ?) S* m$ h* a, D
4.We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard  
1 Z8 a* t/ A+ |; k& R本公司堅守一貫信念,務求出產優質之耐用消費品…  $ G9 W! d3 e: X) N
5.Our service will continue to be first class.  
5 r6 t4 x4 Q1 u" [! ^( j) S$ U* ?…迎合顧客的需要.  1 Y' O0 [9 \" r% S
==================================  5 p) _; ?8 N: l1 [
+ s5 _5 h/ C- d2 o, f1.Announce the impending price increases and refer to the enclosure  
' m7 A% g0 Y) b" j通知價格調長和提及隨附文件.  % ]) T% J& C6 U) ]. U5 {
2.Describe the changes in the product lines  
- x9 ?" ]# J  f. l5 ^; E$ D介紹產品系列的改動  # W  C9 [. g) i2 o" `" B
3.Give the reason for the price increases and describe them.  
' [8 T- o) B! o2 F說明價格調升的原因和情況    v+ `& V5 G8 ^) G
4.Stress that the high quality of your products and service is unchanged.  
5 |7 x* D; @( a1 p" P強調產品質量和服務水準維持不變.  
/ ^( Q. ]% D  V. ^$ l5.Canvass new orders  $ V$ `* U" g6 Q
8 x3 l+ g* ?* f) U) B3 r8 ~============================  . Y% o# j9 o% a% {9 H2 ^
Alternative phrases替代用語  
4 r+ J/ m. N2 x" D& c/ ~* cWe enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997.  ) w8 V* g4 J5 F% b5 a
(Please find enclosed…)  
: @7 `: q0 \; s, W/ kYou will see that there have been a number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Our range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular lines,however,have been retained unchanged.  
) \  G; X% I) t$ C- y(…we have made some changes…)  
: _5 }8 q( L& G2 H+ _, {8 z( o" b(We have introduced a number of improved models)  
! o2 r: t  \- p) j5 E(We have completely redesigned our range of washing machines.)  
* V% U2 j1 \6 Q, M) Y: _3 ^4 x  VYou will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole. We have been affected like everyone else and some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not,however,increased our prices across the board. In many cases,there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all.  , H6 p5 P1 ~, e/ T
(…the prices of all our products…)  
  M7 e1 T4 N$ ~- w& pWe can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continue to be first class.  
1 o* \6 ?% H5 p% y$ O(…we have maintained the high quality of our consumer durables…)  * R+ |$ `" G- x
We look forward to receiving your orders  + y" Y) a5 q/ _! d
================================  $ T: G! |# N9 z. D
Comments 評注  " r) F& y1 ?0 v9 A' S0 Q
This is a reasoned announcement of a price increase. The impact is softened by telling the client that some lines are not affected and by stressing continued quality.  
# j9 N$ k( y+ k- P. f9 C, B' [7 _這封信通知客戶價格調升事宜.為令客戶安心,指出只有部分貨品需調整價格,又強調保持質量不變.
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