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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百一十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
opportunity [ 7CpE5tju:niti ] (n.) chance to do something机会
0 [0 N+ u% V: K[例]  There are opportunities and risks in this market.
; f, [& {# i8 o  
: k, P" ]- g( A7 Y  e0 I) loptimize [ 5Cptimaiz ] (v.) to do something in the best possible way, for example, production使最优化 ; D2 r8 k+ H3 e) {- b3 f( x* O' I1 E
[例]  The factory tried to optimize the production.
* r- z- E3 ?7 B" k: b! c' u! @5 Q  
! U+ `0 v# N* Boption [ 5CpFEn ] (n.) possibility, opportunity选择权,买卖特权 / E# T' {& v  q4 X
[例]  We have the first option to buy the property.
& Y- ?5 r% b8 A. Y; Q/ X- `. Y[同义词]  choice, alternative, selection
) J  a$ Q# t: n- J6 J- ^  9 k. @* `, k3 d$ T# ^7 E
share option (n.) right to buy/sell shares at a certain price on a future date授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利 ; N2 H) t* \0 D9 q  u/ k% r) e( f
  - m$ P: g0 n/ ^7 P4 e& m( d# a% l/ D- A
original (n) the source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is made 原件 8 B+ Y4 ~. x/ x$ m% X
[例] Keep the original for later reference.
# M7 h+ a  i7 ~5 J) X  6 l6 G% `2 g2 v+ G
organigram (n.)= organization chart diagram which shows the areas of responsibility in an organization and the relationships between the personnel公司组织图 7 S5 C0 [' J" f" E. R
[例]  The CEO analyzed the organization chart carefully in order to make sense of the areas of responsibility in the organization and the relationships between the personnel. 4 `3 h  u- x9 T
% K7 \3 \! H0 t( Torient [ 5C:riEnt ] (v.) guide, direct定向
; E+ l# F6 g. ~/ R& K7 |3 M2 C[例]  The money-oriented businessman will do all things to pursue profits. ) H% W6 t7 Q: j6 ]8 k0 V- [
  5 [7 h" x" Y: i0 v+ I# {8 F& i
orientation [ 7C(:)rien5teiFEn ] (n.) 1 direction or main area of interest 定向 ! P% }1 ?  R7 x
2. introduction to the workings of a company or department(对公司新环境的)介绍
: A4 X2 @  Y. x7 k2 }+ E[例]  orientation for incoming employees

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