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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信二十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Refusing a customer’s request  / T1 o' S# Q) E4 O3 G) g" `
Dear Mrs Jones,  5 w2 m7 V& G2 L+ U8 Y0 `
Thank you for your enquiry of 25 August. We are always pleased to hear form a valued customer.  
: `1 l; d0 k9 Z  z: ^$ y- ?9 r
: E0 q$ {' |8 j6 H' Z) MI regret to say that we can not agree to your request for technical information regarding our softens systems. The fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.  
' ?5 v# i+ S; e0 R3 C, |; f
4 t6 `5 D& Q. dI sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. If there is any other way in which we can help, do not hesitate to contact us again.  0 A! J- D; _( G& @$ H
+ K1 X% }, B4 I2 l5 L
Yours sincerely,  
  M' }# J3 ]+ M1 l6 rPeter Bold  3 h: F5 g. P4 X! ?; Q" H) l8 ]
Manager  ) u& F" n& |4 k# F  l+ E, Z
4 t1 A8 s; G8 }( XRefusing a customer’s request  
8 [2 p# R8 `" A( Z拒絕客戶的要求  " L- Y0 H& Q/ v6 v8 g
Dear Mrs Jones,  % K" c3 y  J5 t
瓊斯太太,  ' c: \. ^! h7 m0 ?' @
Thank you for your enquiry of 25 August. We are always pleased to hear form a valued customer.  
- C8 o$ H6 |$ b" _- ?7 T1 S: ]8月25日來信收悉,謹此致謝.  " g8 u  Q" a: ?, @4 o, h4 z0 h4 X
I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for technical information regarding our softens systems. The fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.  ' y! _* b# Y5 E, [8 Q$ M
來信要求本公司提供有關軟件保密系統的技術資料,但鑒於同行向來視該等資料為機密文件,本公司亦不便透露,尚祈見諒.  8 q$ [1 h. o/ r! H6 s2 r% @
I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. If there is any other way in which we can help, do not hesitate to contact us again.  
9 s& ], ]; ]2 b6 S9 f+ h希望不會因此為貴公司造成不便.如需本公司協助其他事宜,歡迎隨時賜顧垂詢.  
' e. F$ k4 {6 _/ S8 V0 T: vYours sincerely,  
+ ^4 ^& E) a& Z5 z# J# p* ePeter Bold  " A% C* z+ P# g3 b( e% k) [  W
Manager  + o. h- X! x& j4 R
. b( G* }# o- H" C' p' p: O9 I0 TUseful phrases實用短語  
, x( Q% |5 w  N4 |( P1.We are always pleased to hear from a valued customer.  
8 P3 B0 H( P  R! l…謹此致謝  
/ |. B' u% U4 w6 {' h2.I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for…  2 j8 @4 M+ i1 b' c
" d6 W3 U; n7 I, k$ _2 D3.I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way.  3 L7 F% @5 K4 m
希望不會因此為貴公司造成不便  ( Z5 ^* _$ N% B; a
4.If there any other way in which we can help ,do not hesitate to contact us again.  
  j) x4 v6 m/ }) ]' w; f2 n如需本公司協助其他事宜,歡迎隨時賜顧垂詢.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


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3 i9 y3 B5 A8 z1 F8 S) H                定价:¥45.00                                         优惠价:¥30.60  更多书籍BEC高分快训:真题详解+全真预测(中级
% |3 f3 y3 ], D, V  y/ K 本书具有以下特点:  1.内容全面:本书汇集了12套历年真题,便于考生全面系统..
8 y2 s/ A: k; Z1 l; K- p& x                定价:¥36.80                                         优惠价:¥22.50  更多书籍
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:41 | 显示全部楼层


=======================================  8 c$ _2 \* ?1 K; c
Notes 段意解說  * T! c9 N$ E6 B6 P2 A
1.Identify the enquiry  / C$ v! H9 p+ u1 ]& n& I3 G$ I; q
確認來函  7 U* Y. w" E5 j
2.Reject the request politely and give the reason  
& x/ a6 {3 y  k5 L2 a) ^禮貌地謝絕要求,並說明原因  
) m6 k% v$ Y" a. e) m3.End with a friendly message.  
5 @. p' t( z; {! \3 y# T' _歡迎客戶查詢  : T' e- e8 K4 G8 k( a, H$ z
=====================================  ) a( a& P* \, f% O; f  x. V
Alternative phrases替代用語  5 ~, R) n+ `1 h0 `: k. t
Thank you for your enquiry of 25 August. We are always pleased to hear form a valued customer.  
" j3 w& g# {; }  ?& v/ A. j* G(Many thanks for…)  ! t8 V3 u3 O1 W4 i7 W7 T8 N
(We are glad to hear from an old customer)  $ A) h; o" F: k+ J
I regret to say that we can not agree to your request for technical information regarding our softens systems. The fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.  # h: O2 i- \. [! p
(I am sorry ,but we…)  ' w% S  P) x$ D. z& L* U( ?- q
(In fact ,…)  ! r+ G* r, V1 g/ v; g# O
I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. If there is any other way in which we can help, do not hesitate to contact us again.  & X  @' K% {9 b) C+ R/ l+ E+ o
(…pleased contact us again.)  6 |0 z/ z3 `8 [+ }2 Z% ]& p
  E% x2 R5 A; f. b1 vComments 評注  8 P2 M% j9 B( G
This letter responds to an attempt by a client to obtain sensitive information. It states the company policy clearly, but softens the refusal by mentioning that the company is to different from other companies in this respect.    k3 _. w" {! @
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