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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信二十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Congratulations to a new business  * q3 c! k/ A- [+ P$ U/ K& G
Dear Sirs,  
( v! e' u+ o" W  T: a9 }1 ^3 DIt has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your new European headquarters in Brussels.  9 E* A  K) R3 D1 C
Congratulations on your bold venture.  
4 N5 H. ], M+ ]$ p: d! yAs you know, our companies have had a long business association in the UK. We look forward to collaborating with you in your European venture.  
# X/ R) e9 @- w& y  l) RPlease let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. We will be delighted to help.    u6 x1 R0 D2 W. w
We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.  
) c7 r( ]9 f0 P7 a3 P' H7 VYours faithfully,  
, \4 ^* s4 L2 |, M& AJ P Howell  7 J6 {$ e% D/ f" O" e
Manger  ; t4 J/ D0 h8 V
===================================  , K( e. o5 b# `+ r# X
Congratulations to a new business  6 z2 J9 ^) \8 w, q2 u. d: D
! S% R! p7 \0 T. C" H2 S: {4 VDear Sirs,  " Z. z# z  t8 i6 x' \, @8 m
敬啟者,  + O  v1 N5 o" L$ U  u5 e# W, i
It has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your new European headquarters in Brussels.  
. a+ J/ C8 Q# R8 ]5 C4 _Congratulations on your bold venture.  
/ t) a7 }1 A+ d- X8 |剛剛得悉貴公司於布魯塞爾成立新的歐洲總部. ,謹祝大展鴻圖.  : `7 r6 N" \, Z
As you know, our companies have had a long business association in the UK. We look forward to collaborating with you in your European venture.  . z! y& n& S7 t
鑒於雙方於英國的長期合作聯系,本公司期盼能與貴公司發展在歐洲的業務往來.  + F8 r8 U, C; Z! I& U! L( M, i  T
Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. We will be delighted to help.  $ x, W# V( n) a( @+ H7 G$ ^* N
4 t" L4 R3 s. ~9 `/ {! ]We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.  
1 g/ T  C9 ^# ?* Z: e) X' n( R謹祝前途似錦.  
3 u2 q; [" S' i- hYours faithfully,  + m5 D: K# S3 E/ H6 a5 p. M# e
J P Howell  
! F( O' u3 K8 g' cManger  1 |; `% E  e& j: g0 c
=====================================  4 |! B; A+ J; m0 u, `9 \
Useful phrases實用短語  
* V( _; E; h  d( S% r1.It has just come to our attention that…  
$ R, u# N4 e5 K, d3 _( V剛剛得悉貴公司…  9 Q6 T; _9 E  i6 e; A& D. l
2.Our companies have had a long business association in…  9 h( O$ ]- {, h/ A7 T9 v
' ^9 T# f* a4 h: _9 b3 N! Q$ @3.Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you.  " i- h) X7 k; I; c% [
如需本公司效勞,務請告知  ! j1 y, ]  I% F1 H5 c
4.We wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.  1 x, O6 T. X: [& Y! s
謹祝前途似錦.  / v6 U7 h- ^7 t* w% u4 q( F" a
==============================  & m* k) [  A6 r& W7 r0 T9 x8 f
Notes段意解說  ! C. m! \5 M& B
1.State what caused you to write  
: P- V. t) P, Q0 g. s/ v9 n/ F闡明發信人的主要目的  * l0 ^$ j- q& Y3 h5 |  d
2.Congratulate the company  
/ B! \/ T8 p; x: O7 z+ e祝賀收信人成立新公司  
4 t" p, t% c; F" |, c3.Remind the company of your business relationship  / `4 x$ Y  N0 ~/ L! z( a6 Z6 [" N
4 d6 _/ @1 r1 K2 E4.Encourage enquiries  ) B3 i1 E6 ]- [; y) l& ~. C
3 k) d, v# ]" X+ T0 V5.Wish the new venture good luck.  
# P7 `4 F( C' a. Q! U* y送上祝辭  
6 Q2 F5 _8 {* P% I# H======================    F6 m  M% j' i( ?& U6 ~" ^
Alternative phrases替代用語    {, u& {; V! H  I
It has just come to our attention that you have lately opened your new European headquarters in Brussels.  
8 k+ Y% }8 F% ~(We have just learned that…)  7 \" P$ M" j: p5 z, ]
Congratulations on your bold venture.  * F" D, s' X, m  h& O' x
(We extend our congratulations…)  # ?! @# h" v2 f2 w. J' S
As you know, our companies have had a long business association in the UK. We look forward to collaborating with you in your European venture.  
6 q  d, O8 z: N% q0 E5 y0 q(We would be delighted to collaborate…)  
# n- K/ {8 }) x* C! ^' d3 xPlease let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. We will be delighted to help.  
3 a4 [" |; i- ^( {0 _9 F, gWe wish you the very best of luck and a prosperous future.  
8 V2 w( q0 x/ U9 u: @(Please contact us…)  
, J7 u9 \9 R2 c) z========================================  
9 Z" C( A. ^" ^& F; u8 W; `Comments評注  
" h& [  A3 W2 w% AWhen a new venture starts, it is a good policy to offer your best wishes. Such a letter also reminds the company of the services you can offer.  
  G& b* O0 E. F' S+ b) W9 D, S發信祝賀別人成立新公司是明智的手法,並可順帶推廣服務和產品.

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