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[综合辅导] 2012BEC高级阅读:英公交司机叫乘客“亲”被开除

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A bus company is warning drivers to not call passengers ’babe’ in a bid to avoid lawsuits from offended women.  
( G2 G  u9 {/ S. `+ q7 Y  in a bid to: 为了…  
8 S  c6 q' Q: b7 q" N. b: m7 IBrighton & Hove Buses posted warnings to drivers in its head offices after a complaint from a woman who said she felt insulted by being called "babe" when she boarded a bus.  
/ v+ X* I3 L# m4 G  
! j/ h4 c0 G" ~9 W: }The company also warned drivers they could face the sack if they call passengers ’love’ or ’darling’.  & j$ T/ d' [2 q+ A# \* y, J
  sack: 解雇  + f/ E' b& p3 y. `; q6 Z4 ?
One employee, who did not want to be named, said: ’It’s just the height of political correctness. The drivers know how to best speak to customers.  : Q0 D& c/ `+ L# Q; T3 }8 u
  political correctness: 识时务;合时宜  
& \8 K9 [% v7 r’People don’t want their drivers to be robots. What is the world coming to when you can’t have a bit of friendly banter with passengers?’  . D1 c" y, |2 [
  banter: 开玩笑;说笑  
9 @( z; A/ s" x- s+ _! H& }9 QThe sign reads: ’Please can drivers be aware that some of our customers may take offence at having terms such as "love", "darling" and "babe" directed towards them.  * j1 x: i4 p2 a3 G. f" y
  take offence at: 因……而生气  
, G  j+ `# r, D’This can be seen by some as being a sexist comment, as a recent complaint has highlighted.’   3 i" |/ K1 \: [0 r: a
Managing director Roger French said: ’A lady complained to us that she thought the language used by a driver was demeaning to her.  ) t9 \, U9 o" o' G8 |+ R( _
  demean: 贬低...的身分;举止  
* c' x2 b& @$ e* o3 V’We take a lot of customer feedback so we thought we would pass this on. The drivers will understand and take it in good spirit.’

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