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[综合辅导] 2012BEC中级阅读汉译英对照21

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
必须一开始就讲清的是,有竞争力的报价可以接受。 We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive quotations are acceptable.  8 A* P+ \2 q9 Y) ]( R! r+ U& Z
  上述询价已于10月10日发往你方,可是我们到现在还没收到你方答复,请早日发盘不甚感谢。 The above inquiry weas forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we havent received your reply until now. Your early offer will be highly appreciated. 9 Q! s, V4 B7 s' k/ g+ u5 s
  我们期待你方对我方的询盘做出答复。 We are looking forward to your reply to our inquiry.
) ~4 ~6 v* h5 }3 N$ h  我们对贵方的竹制品质量充满信心。 We have confidence in your bamboo wares.
- n) J( q6 u& ], {& B8 j  如果贵方没有所要求质量的产品,请提供与之最接近的产品。 If you dont have the quality inquired for, please offer us its nearest equivalent.
$ w- V( G1 T! l5 V$ r+ L+ I  感谢贵方询价。请告诉我们贵方所需数量以便我方报价。 Thank you for your inquiry. Please tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offers. 1 r% x8 z1 V' J' e, j- a+ `+ a
  我认为价格不成问题。最重要的是你方能供货多少。 I dont think price is a problem. The most important thing is that how many you can supply. & @. D* `* T2 D& G1 I
  您最好给我们一个粗略的价格。 Youd better give us a rough idea of your price.

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