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[综合辅导] 2012年上半年商务英语考试汉译英资料(26)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我要打对方付费的电话到台湾的台北。 I’d like to make an overseas call to Taibei, Taiwan by collect call.  : I/ \4 {6 V' B3 S  R
  我要打到伦敦的叫人电话好吗? Can I fix an overseas call to London by person-to-person call?
3 [% B+ `- ?2 B: [  对方的姓名是什么? What is your parts name? www.examw.com1 x- z# [. {  R1 q
  你的姓是怎样拼写的? How do you spell your last name?
/ c" \( k  y" ]2 c) [  请换成英镑吧。 Pound Sterling please. 3 p+ Q8 i( @- w7 t3 A: m8 H7 E, |
  这个,呃,我看可以。您想透支多少? Well, er, in your case, I see no reason why not. Whats your proposition?
. q/ C. Z! T& E9 U5 C' [- D% P) _  这笔透支要利息吗? Is there any interest on this money?
8 A# @* R8 [/ a2 L* S  是的,先生。本月12日这一天您的帐户上透支了15美元。 Yes, sir. Your account was overdrawn 15 dollars on the 12th of this month. . ~  @( P+ [7 ]" \$ s+ S
  根据规定,先生,您应该补偿银行付的那笔款了。 According to the regulations, sir, youll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid.

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