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[综合辅导] 2012年商务英语写作:介词后面何时才能加动名词形式

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
介词后面何时才能加动名词形式对于考生来说一直是个纠结的问题,小编为此特意总结了一些关于to后面何时才能加ing的一些例题,希望对广大考生有所帮助!  6 V) g' e0 P/ u8 F* M8 u- S7 }) }
EX. I look forward to talking to you on Friday afternoon. + {  Y  j! H9 D8 \# f$ t8 N
  例句:我期待下周五与你的谈话。 . C1 u* q) h: ^- M  Y5 N  B; ^
  As the example above shows, sometimes it is correct to use “to” plus the –ing form of a verb.
/ u" @2 w$ ]& H; @  从例句里我们可以看到,有时“to”也可以加动词-ing形式。
0 N4 [, b% ^$ }* u4 Q  B3 m/ d7 s  Many non-native English speakers are reluctant to use –ing after “to”。 Maybe this is because you learnt at school that after “to” a verb should always be in the infinitive.
) P& w$ a" i0 z5 @" h, I4 @  许多非英语国家的人都不喜欢在“to”后面加动词-ing形式。这可能是因为你们学校里的老师告诉你们“to”后面一般都跟动词不定式。
5 n/ r$ g6 b% g0 I! W) A  This is only half true. “To” actually has two uses – EITHER as an infinitive marker (e.g. The Company wishes to purchase the shares), OR as a preposition (e.g. He has gone to lunch)。 6 o! t  w- A+ E0 F  O
& r+ B9 p6 w9 ^' K0 E  When “to” acts as a preposition it is usually followed by an –ing form (which in this case is a gerund) or a noun/noun phrase, as in these examples: ; c: u; ]% p) O& Q
  当“to”作介词时,后面通常会跟着动词-ing形式(动名词)或者名词/名词词组,比如: 8 O( v: t) B" B" H( G, X( [
  EX1. There is no obstacle to registering the company.
7 p& U8 F& `; l, f  EX2. There is no obstacle to the registration of the company. 中 华 考 试 网
1 z. B3 r9 k1 A: l$ ?8 C  例句:注册这家公司没有困难。 + L% h3 D3 H- F7 n% {) s, i6 t
  EX1. I do not recommend committing yourself to purchasing the shares yet. ( C% s& P: M4 z: l% p  j
  EX2. I do not recommend committing yourself to the purchase of the shares yet.
2 z/ g" t# B1 B: c, n4 ~1 x% T  例句:我现在还不建议你去收购那些股份。 8 ]/ G9 r" \. S
  EX1. I look forward to hearing from you. . ?  @6 M4 z" H* p5 f( o
  EX2. I look forward to your reply.
% C" O0 R7 v* B  例句:我期待你的回复。
! G8 {# n" d4 o2 i# y, L  There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. The next post looks at these.
/ ]- s5 @( `+ _& d) P5 j! B  当然,“to”加动词-ing也有例外的时候。敬请期待下次更新。

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