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[综合辅导] 2012年上半年商务英语考试汉译英资料(27)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在这份报告书内就有。 We have that right here in this report.   请你多告诉我一些你们的市场分析好吗? Could you tell me some more about your market analysis?: g( u" J6 v; _  R4 q6 D- d) t
  好的,我们的市场分析告诉我们,我们产品主要的使用者年龄将在40至60岁。 Yes, our market analysis tells us our prime user will be between 40 and 60.
. h7 a9 v5 _" d  你们多久才可以把产品准备好呢? How soon can you have your product ready?
6 m' C; J" @% ^. z1 m. W  我们的产品在可在10月1日前准备好。 We certainly expect our product to be available by October 1.; g2 ]$ c4 v5 U5 t- n, \, y. X7 F3 I
  到目前为止,你们的产品尚未在我们国家销售,是吗? You havent sold your product in our country so far, have you?+ r/ ~% y, \; b2 g/ L  P
  我们的产品只在商展时展售,而没有办促销活动。 Weve only sold our product at trade fairs, not in an on-going sales campaign.8 T+ D  J) r* i/ w
  你报的价是每1000个要美金800元,如大量订购有折扣吗? Youve already quoted a price of $ 800 per 1,000. Is there a discount for larger orders?
2 q7 ~( M7 S6 n2 S7 b2 l3 E5 ~$ M  是的,有折扣,超过5000个我们可给5%的折扣。 Yes, there is. We can give a 5% discount for orders over 5,000 units.来自www.Examw.com
# S- F# R+ K+ w: t  根据订购数量的大小,我们可提供累进的折扣。 We can offer a discount in progressive stages according to the size of the order.
- M  P- R$ Z! k; \* J, ?  我们真的无法提供超过6%的折扣。 We really cant discount the price more than six percent.+ X6 b, c+ R8 M6 n: k0 U( \
  6%的折扣是我权限内所能给你的。 A discount of six percent is all that I'm authorized to offer you.

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