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[综合辅导] 2012年上半年商务英语英汉对照辅导08

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我们给您报价每件8英镑,有效期20天,过期价格增加5%. We can offer you a price of 8 pounds per item, from 20 days, after which the price will be subject to an increase of 5%.   这个型号的录音机,按今天汇率,每台2500比利时法郎。 The price of this model of cassette-player is 2500 Belgian francs at todays rate of exchange.
$ T, h9 Q' M0 _1 S; B$ h9 j  我认为贵方价格偏高。 I think your price is on the high side.
+ q2 p5 p7 ^7 e6 ]  你方价格比去年高出20%. Your price is 20% higher than that of last year.8 i9 j  T1 N% n9 L5 S0 R; x
  如果我们按这个价格购买,将很能难推销。 It must be rather difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.( \( R# y- `0 b% x4 Z& E' U
  这种商品的竞争非常激烈。 Competition for this kind of goods is tough.来自www.Examw.com  l- `2 v5 N4 R
  按这个价格,我们不能说服用户购买你们的产品。 We cant persuade the end-users to buy your products at this price.+ I/ E/ j2 i! S; r
  我认为要做成这笔交易,您至少要降价4%. To conclude the business, you need to cut your price at least by 4%,I believe.
3 f7 J* ^& `# S  德国报价比你们的低。 The German quotation is lower than yours.中 华 考 试 网
2 \8 z# X5 n" O, i  {  您知道有的国家对这种商品正在削价抛售。 You know that some countries are selling this kind of products at cheap prices in large quantities.
7 x9 @$ L) i, m8 E) b  我想指出提你方原始价格已经超出市场价格。我们不能接受。 I'd like to point out that your original price exceeded the market price already. We cannot accept it.2 W& l1 j& ^" n8 `  Y# `( y
  如果您确有诚意与我们做生意,请摊牌吧。 If you do have the sincerity to do business with us, please show me your cards and put them on the table.

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