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[BEC真题] 剑桥商务英语中级第三辑真题阅读精讲(19)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
人邮版中级真题第三辑TEST 4阅读部分的part 4. U0 y/ y. E) y
The bank with ideas: d( u1 f( I: K" I  X
With several hundred years of history behind it, the APL Bank has few problems in convincing businesses that it is reputable and secure__21__ of a range of banking serving. Now, it is demonstrating to business customers that it is flexible and responsive enough to ___22___ their changing needs in the 21st century.
( g6 f6 {5 \# |  D6 JBased in London, APL offers banking services to businesses throughout the UK via its branch __23___. Most customer service provision is ___24_ out by personal account managers based in local branches, together with ___25__ staff at company headquarters.
9 s: p8 k/ r! P# Y7 SAn important ___26__for APL has been to make it easy for customers to __27__business with the bank. They can contact their account manager by direct line or email; if the manager is on holiday, a carefully chosen colleague becomes the ‘account contact’ and ___28__with the customer during the manager’s ___29___. In addition, for those who want ___30__ to their bank at any time of day or night there is now a 24-hour phone-based service." W8 m6 Y8 S. x( w0 l. Z
In order to remain competitive and build customer loyalty, the bank guarantees to turn around urgent loan___31__within 24 hours. This focus on the customer has also been a driving __32__in APL’s recruitment and development policy. For example, newly inducted staff ___33__a ‘customer service review’ to find out what it is like to be on the other side of the desk, asking to borrow money.
) p( {# E. I% JTogether, these ___34__in banking have achieved excellent results. The customer__35___is growing fast, and last year the bank gained 36,000 new business accounts.: K; E2 L) }" n2 V" C4 r; ?
9 n# Y8 K: J. j; r- h1 s21. A. producer B. supplier C. provider D. giver
! |) @; ?, }- D! a; K7 ]0 _6 y8 H: C. g22. A achieve B. reach C meet D. assist* t9 l, V: @8 z, g* i, T
23. A. system B. web C. grid D. network% }; R) g( u: |. W
24. A. taken B. brought C. carried D. put
. o" O4 s; @: v/ K  |. X3 l25. A. aid B. support C. guidance D. backing
! L  ]# d: p% ~8 A0 @; w26. A. objective B. purpose C. direction D. scheme
& G5 Y, P) H: r- {- j: O27. A do B. run C. make D. have3 S: y. j, D. p7 L
28. A copes B. arranges C. handles D. deals+ m! V! u1 Q/ ^5 K+ t) @) ~, U
29. A vacancy B. departure C. absence D. retirement
- `" ^% K5 ]. `# ~8 M" t$ |30. A access B. entrance C. approach D. opening
) T& W& t2 n* J2 {7 D! y31. A. demands B. applications C. proposals D. orders) |6 T9 u4 I" i% @
32. A power B. strength C. force D. pressure
+ S+ ]/ C& N7 W9 r+ G- m33. A take over B. go through C. set down D. put up
+ d' F6 L' O/ r, Z34. A. innovations B. adaptations C. revisions D. modernization4 h. M/ J! {' p4 _  e+ N
35. A. source B. base C. centre D. foundation
0 c0 e) z+ S! C* A8 q3 Z7 D: J) O网友提问:3 a7 f2 `5 |. i- w' i4 B8 O- u& z
Most customer service provision is carried out by personal account managers based in local branches, together with __________ staff at company headquarters.
/ w4 q) U* e/ b8 s( i$ j6 v% S1. aid
/ y# o" J" b# t! |' N3 v2. support* ~. e3 y% \6 m( t( E! s; i
3. guidance& M1 ~8 B4 ~( m/ p$ M6 A- h4 O: }2 w; `
4. backing2 v1 s8 p  g0 U2 y$ k2 Q
为什么用support,不用backing?两者有什么区别么?* H  C- F0 t4 E' E! r5 x$ |# o
' [* ?5 c2 b4 ^1 M8 {这里不能选择backing。back有支持的意思,但是backing表支持时却是名词) x. C- o4 C8 f# p3 B
(support or help, especially with money。
& T& r( Y8 \& U- M; L查了朗文词典和剑桥词典,backing做形容词时只在朗文词典里有一种解释:backing singers1 s! M  r" d2 x" |) W: Z
意思应该是背景歌手或者是伴唱歌手。( d5 B% m. l+ l. H4 \. C
& H1 p2 P2 m, Z" ~+ X: \support staff可以说是一种固定的用法,意思是支持人员,或者是后勤人员、运维人员,填入这个句子的空格处正好合适。6 @1 b) s. E& `
这是《金融时报》词典的解释:Employees whose work is helping a company or organization to operate, for example technical or administrative workers
( ?6 u' o. L/ w& E0 r0 P8 o橙色标注的几个空将做重点解答
$ N) H7 {& r' ]+ T) K5 L21、争议的焦点可能在B和C之间,supplier 还是provider。
% y( V$ }) Q7 }1 K. L( X0 Z7 bsupplier更侧重于提供某种产品(朗文:a company or person that provides a particular product)
7 \6 T4 b! \# Qprovider强调提供某种服务(朗文:a company or person that provides a service)
- w' R7 y6 Z& B% }1 B% f联系这个空后面的banking serving,这里应该选择provider。* [: r% K3 O4 Z3 U1 v4 y
23、network 相互关系(配合)的系统0 i( t' A- o$ d
branch network 由分支机构构成的网络。
. L$ Y5 h6 b2 I! W' B  n9 y这个词很好理解,看一遍就会了。如果是第一次选,没准会选中system
! r) |' p3 |( f) P- o4 A28、cope with后接事 deal with可接人和事0 G8 T: D5 t. j# y! G% B% [
handle是及物动词,后面直接接人和事,相当于deal with
# w+ K7 H1 `0 w( ?* o  K$ r31、loan application 贷款申请
  O7 H) |/ G2 P& j0 F( Wapply for loan 固定用法
9 g  Z; |  d5 x0 y& D9 h3 x33、go through 仔细的查看,后面正好和customer service review搭配。
$ h9 e& H1 \8 N2 fdriving force和customer base属于固定用法

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