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[BEC真题] 历年BEC商务英语中级考试真题(50)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Consumer Behaviour 5 m3 C4 Z: G: Y! X
  0 The consumer is the focus of all retail business and it is important to appreciate how
& R- x. r6 U+ \) c( _" m1 q  00 consumers are influenced in their buying decisions. Most of consumers, before making a 5 m$ k$ c2 D- H7 ?  P0 I
  34 purchase, gather information and evaluate with the alternatives, but the extent to which
9 f$ ~  @9 q* v; H  35 they look for information depends on the type of purchase. For example, in the case of / I: n" `( {3 X, J
  36 routine grocery purchases most consumers respond to automatically. However, for 4 s& I- U# n' N1 C: n, P
  37 purchases where the risk of making the wrong decision is greater, like buying a new ( s8 \' C7 _* \8 I' P$ e
  38 car, so the search for information is more important. The decision to purchase is never a www.ExamW.CoM
+ d' @- s$ t; o4 o3 \. C" ]  39 single decision but a number of these separate decisions, and at any time during this
* s% o9 b6 J3 |( Q) Q) _; A7 N  40 process, consumers can change their minds about and choose an alternative route. For
& s5 I" g1 l0 T4 ?4 T% G0 F# \  41 example, although a consumer may have decided where to buy a product only to realise - j  I# ?# |% M/ C
  42 at the last moment that this is, in fact, having the wrong choice. The price in the store may
5 e; e$ u+ W2 ~" J% `  43 be too high or the staff unhelpful. On the other hand, a lack of queues, favourable credit % m5 i6 `& s; b3 k3 \  A& U
  44 facilities and efficient staff all lead to a too positive impression, so retailers should
* \& n$ _& a, O( I  45 remember how difficulties in these areas that can affect a sale or even lose a customer permanently.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:16:38 | 显示全部楼层


《Consumer Behaviour》,消费者行为。文章分析了一些影响消费者行为的因素。 + \. X4 ?/ \  c5 ?' C9 m9 O8 k
  34题,evaluate是及物动词,后面直接接宾语。evaluate the alternatives,评估替代的选择。with多余。
7 }6 ^7 R; P7 g. N: S  35题,正确的
: G2 a. e4 n5 ^7 y! Q  36题,如果是respond to,后面应该要接宾语,而这里的respond to后面的是副词,所以直接用respond表示反应,to是多余的。 . Q9 H. P) u# W, d/ I: T
1 S2 O! \! V4 f8 L: G7 \  38题,这里并没有因果关系。完整的句子是这样的:for purchases where the risk of making the wrong decision is greater,(so)the search for information is more important.意思风险越大,收集信息越重要。so是多余的。 3 H) i: B' v' U  Y
  39题,separate decision是和前面的single decision相对应说的,并没有特别指代,所以代词these在这里是多余的。 ; F0 e) _( G; j9 Z
  40题,change their minds,改变他们的注意,about多余。
5 J3 S( r- S& a# @. Z0 q3 e% V" _  41题,这个句子并没有转折的意思,完整的是a consumer may have decided where to buy a product only to realize at the last moment that this is the wrong decision。连词although是多余的。
+ W/ c1 p: ^& S2 s  42题,从上面的完整句子可以看出,已经有了谓语is,having是多余的。 " i! {  o' U9 p) Z7 Q
  43题,正确的。 + \. {) d" I/ N# t
  44题,too是副词,后面不能跟着来修饰名词,只能是too positive。而从这里的句子的意思来看,是说好的设备和高效率的员工可以带来一个好的印象。所以too是多余的。
/ [! Y1 t2 i) {2 \+ T  45题,that引导从句。而这个句子主谓宾很齐全,that前面是主语,affect是谓语,后面是宾语,不是从句,所以that多余。
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