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[BEC模拟题] 商务英语高级阅读练习题附详解十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Team-Based Pay / n; Y4 ~3 c8 f  i  d' I3 R7 J
  0 Team-based pay schemes that have been catching the eye of modern employers.! a% z$ \; C1 {
  00 Supporters say that they encourage group endeavour and improve " }: Y+ t9 q( {( f; |
  41 organizational performance. But salespeople, typically the most self-motivated ' a1 h" l# p" H
  42 of workers, they have traditionally been rewarded according to individual 9 a+ x7 N% o! ^( c/ F2 f( D9 W% [
  43 performance. So are team-based schemes suitable ? The key issue is 3 T  o" v, x+ [. A5 y9 N! V9 Q" L% H
  44 whether team-based pay is more being in line with the organization’s objectives 1 A, X# F7 N( i" l( e0 \: `
  45 than pay which based on individual achievement. Introducing a team pay
7 i, X$ B# ?: F# u% L; U- v& z) i  46 scheme can be complex. The biggest problem is for defining the team in the first
" C" a" v% d! R+ a/ f  47 place. Another is that team pay schemes won’t work if the actions of one 3 C9 u# c1 M; K: k9 u$ X& b6 q& V
  48 individual make no impact on those of another. You should need a true team. ( d, G3 {, @: x# q
  49 like a football team. Where all the members are interdependent. When sales staff - _7 F) u) V( u; {3 d. h! K
  50 can be less receptive to team pay schemes because personal motivation can
, |0 N% f- V. L# P! s  51 be an important boost to performance What they need is their encouragement ) ?) Q/ y% O: I- ^1 Q, e
  52 to perceive that the wider term of the company overall: production, administration and dispatch all affect each other.
  G2 w9 D$ d% \$ r5 S  41题,正确的
1 Q# z, f+ M) d3 a0 C, T' S  42题,看完整的句子,从上一行的but开始,中间的typically the most self-motivated of workers是插入语,可以pass,所以整个句子里,salespeople是主语,后面紧跟的have是谓语,they在这里多余。
* B7 {% }+ b! ^3 e2 v+ q. p  a: a1 Q  43题,正确的
# s! F: O3 X! {+ ~2 {  d. F  44题,这个句子已经有谓语动词is了,后面如果有being,就只能充当非谓语动词,并且是被动。而这里不是被动,所以being多余。 . f9 c3 Y- U+ @' p- M7 v
  45题,pay based on individual achievement,based on individual achievement是后置定语,修饰前面的pay,并不是从句,which多余。 , I3 |* K* D, J
  46题,分析句子成分,主谓宾很齐全,problem是主语,is是谓语,defining the team是宾语,介词for是多余的。 0 {" R5 U/ C6 s' y
  47题,正确的 5 [7 y& x/ I, ]& \: j  D- G2 v6 A
  V+ {" X% a) k  49题,when开头的话要引导从句,而这个句子很明显不是,是很正常的句子,且主谓宾成分齐全,sales staff是主语,can是谓语,less receptive是宾语。When多余。" N" |; a* m4 T) D( G; ?8 P* ^
  50题,正确的 5 g  N- c. a8 X3 u3 O# D4 b% E
  51题,their encouragement,their作为代词,用在名词encouragement前面,限定名词的含义:他们的鼓舞。从这里意思上看,encouragement并不是具体指代谁的鼓舞,What they need is encouragement to perceive….他们需要的是感知到什么时的鼓舞。
4 Z8 c, u9 D4 ]) q5 u- b  52题,perceive that的话,后面得接从句。the wider term of the company overall不是从句,直接用perceive来接宾语。that多余。

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