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[BEC模拟题] 商务英语辅导:BEC高级阅读模拟题(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 c" M$ _/ B( x- [  A:你呆的时间长吗?
5 O( |. g2 m9 f: z0 j/ l  B;不长,真遗憾,只呆两周。
- N& H" H7 [2 ?3 k. T7 h  A:出差还是旅游?( A% {: m: F' k8 `
& M0 x2 [. L/ g2 d4 L  A;是吗?公司总部在哪儿?
' R% B- U* ~8 Q& D, l6 `- F  B:在底特律,差不多在美国中西部地区的北部。# A5 q1 D, ?& k! c8 [: O
  A:对,我知道那个城市。两年前我去过。  s: p( w& _1 J5 S; R) H0 n
  B:呀,是吗?……( I+ P1 e8 \+ b8 z" x  D0 g
/ \3 t; w1 l; ], L# h; M) \  A:我想你是搞时装的吧。* H3 W+ q0 G4 o
1 \; [# b3 W; |0 g0 i' ~/ \  A:太巧了。我妻子也是搞时装设计的。& q  h2 e. V0 J, ^6 w7 n9 E$ B
9 _/ L6 W& W! B! \3 E8 U  A:你一定要找个晚上来吃饭。- j! w. t3 U: t# ]: |3 `# H8 _1 ?
% ]7 v( s8 M# N: z+ f% \  A:嗯,本周过些时候我们定个日子吧。  |2 H% d! t& ?; e
( n! O+ r# _1 O  匹配练习。请从a-h的回答中找出1-8问题的得体应答。2 W3 O5 }! Q& I
  1. How 's business?
. T* W2 E0 B/ ?" i- }  w) L8 {) |  2. How do you like it here?- R, t8 d5 N8 W" `0 l+ ]
  3. How was the conference?
2 f4 d, R& [8 [- `1 F2 I' T  4. What did you think of the meeting?0 U" X# Y& Z  W  A' n: d
  5. What was the hotel like?! P' U1 _) p, O" _: u% S3 j5 D
  6. How are the job interviews going?
% m: w: \# i4 q! @  7. How did the exam go ?( s& N- ?# B9 ?- [& C9 T; x8 R
  8. How's the stock check getting on?
) `8 G/ f& W( i% O- S; j+ r  a. Not bad. It was quite comfortable.( X* j, D9 }" Y0 c4 t" A3 [8 {, C
  b. Terrible! I could answer only one question.* @: s3 }0 w6 {% H
  c. So so. Our sales are down this year.
9 c' f, e) {( d# r9 o  d. Not very useful-a lot of talk, but no decisions.; M8 n: _; Q6 r0 M4 c& x6 q
  e. OK. We have only two more candidates to deal with.
/ |8 D! \! e0 J6 D8 M- n) K  f. Quite good. There were some interesting speakers there.
  j# n) o9 k; Q: K2 ], d! A5 p  g. It's great! I'll be sorry to go back.5 R" i0 l3 a1 S8 {# V+ |  A
  h. Very well. We hope to finish Warehouse B this afternoon.0 O+ ?) M! g0 @
  Exercises-B% o2 k% \& e' x& b1 D! l; F  x
" N7 }9 ?! ?/ D7 j& M6 d6 \  1. 两个陌生人在尽量寻找双方都感兴趣的话题。(try to, of common interest)2 d' N0 k/ H5 `" n3 {
  2. 你觉得伦敦怎么样?(find)
) j( o( i$ u$ e, U/ [  3. 你住在哪家旅馆?(stay)
5 f4 {- r9 y! Z% o0 B! g# W) y2 }  4. 你有时间游览纽约吗?(find time)
. V' A$ I/ F" F; G  5. 很遗憾,我只能在中国呆两周(unfortunately, a couple of)( X* L& [" w& E/ N( o2 G2 T( ~6 h' v+ Z
  6. 我们将在东京设办事处。(set up an office)8 f& ?- [. e( V1 I2 i8 n
  7. 你们公司的总部在哪儿?(based)
9 a% b. |$ {/ r" G  8. 太巧了!我也是设计师。(coincidence)+ T! d" K( m& {" s7 Z
7 y& U6 E% K& B) H, c  在会议室晨,你与一位美国客户邻座。休息的时候你想和她交谈,但你们并不认识,该用哪句开场呢?
/ t% T/ {1 l4 M  1. Hello. Where are you from?5 T9 k/ d/ N2 l! q
  2. Hello. Where are you going?. M( q. K8 D; k6 J
  3. Hot weather, isn't it?
# Q9 @9 f' v* n! g; f7 W" f  Exercises-D
8 v+ S/ x" u+ O! _" V4 L  在飞往纽约的飞机上,A、B两人尝试着开始交谈。请问,为什么他们的谈话进行不下去了?如果你是B,你将怎么样推动谈话?
+ d5 f6 L, ^; r" p  A:Are you going to New York too?, k4 W4 V8 n& r  f% m# S- `% f
  B:Yes.3 e' j1 e( i9 ?( }9 g6 A
  A;For pleasure?  I- }& o& k7 }/ d( s7 z
  B:No. For business.1 x' @5 N0 N7 `3 _: Y
  A:Is it your first to America?% w7 ~( q7 Y0 v; _1 e, V# C
  B:Yes.- {9 Y1 w) S8 j7 z( Z  y
  A:Have you been to many other places in the world?
/ o/ V9 _4 S* M2 v  B:Not many.8 ]! c, J' T2 S* O; L7 I8 Y" Y6 l, v
  ( silence )$ u. J( s. ?# r2 n9 O
2 A$ }1 B/ c; J3 R6 M5 l  在商品交易会的休息室里,两个素不相识的人交谈起来。
: h& U( f& r, U: w+ b7 ~  甲:这是你第一次参加这个交易会吗?
  j% o% B' |0 F$ ]2 v  乙:对,希望不是最后一次。- G. ?" P* O: M; a% B) H- T
  甲:有时间看所有的展品吗?& m! W) N+ _# L; o- a- z0 T8 \
  乙:嗯,只看了中国产的丝绸。% d8 l( I7 v1 l1 L4 b
  甲:有兴趣吗?& E( W% K. e  g" Q* Z3 s
. \$ @' V$ t+ N  甲:真的吗?太巧了,我的厂子生产高质量的丝绸。
) |+ Z' y  `# ^2 q2 C" Y  乙:太好了,我们定个时间看一下样品吧。你们工厂在哪儿?% O# j/ m& B( w: I
  甲:在苏州。我可以带你参观一下。* F( |, H. c5 u3 V. u% V
  Key to Exercises-A# E+ Y5 {! \* H# h/ ~9 K
  1-c 2-g 3-f 4-d 5-a 6-e 7-b 8-h$ P. w# f  w5 j* _8 s$ i3 y
  Key to Exercises-B
7 l6 R: D, O) f$ G; B* F# j# _  1. Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.( `- ~' e" \+ _
  2. How do you find London?" b8 \7 E9 I( d/ a" S1 E; I4 n6 z
  3. Which hotel are you staying in?
) Y# I$ I4 E9 h- r9 s3 Q$ N# g  4. Have you found time to see much in New York?, d6 V- G6 b5 J% Y6 K/ q9 R( x
  5. Unfortunately, I can only stay a couple of weeks in China.6 @. U- t9 I# ~2 m: X' G' b
  6. Our company is setting up an office in Tokyo.
. @" ]* n1 P2 r% Z5 R/ @$ I1 F  7. Where is your company based?# q) i1 M5 c: h9 W# m8 X
  8. That is a coincidence! I'm also a designer.$ \, \' A4 O; Q3 f, p, p; {
  Key to Exercises-C
' x& l0 N1 z& u+ V, r+ r  3比较合适。
+ K+ X, m* l! m4 j! ?- d: k  分析:1和2担的总是都有些唐突,特别是2显得不太礼貌,对方心里也许会说"it's none of your business."[不关你的事]3是从谈论天气开场,这在许多场合都是可以用的。
; q+ Y4 \9 F* B3 ^- M  Key to Exercises-D" {! e! ]4 X4 ^* A0 }9 t
  答案:B 没有为推动谈话做积极的努力,只是被动地回答问题。A在尽力找话题以避免沉默,但B的配合很不够。一问一答的对话是很难进行下去的,除非是在面试或审讯。
# z1 \1 s- [! s! A5 O' q  请参考改进过的对话:- k4 I. f  l* Z8 t* x% ~$ n
  A:Are you going to New York too?
0 Z2 h! F* k) P8 ]& ~  B:Yes. I'm going there on business. What about you?
6 p6 ?8 O  O/ V) S2 Z  A:Me too. Our Company is setting up an office in New York?7 k) I3 l6 |2 |) C% M
  B:I see. So you must have been to New York several times.
8 {  c, j1 [1 i2 w. d& z  A:yes. Is it your first trip to America?# W& k% }+ C  F3 W" l# u0 `/ c$ O
  B:Right. I'd like some advice from you.
  b5 @5 Q5 ~, ]0 w  A:Well……
3 t6 w* z& Z. o: O1 i  这样一来谈话就可以进行下去了。当然你可以构思别的谈话内容。/ `7 }0 g" Y7 D( x3 j3 O3 [$ C
  Key to Translation4 |: X2 n2 x" @4 f5 I3 X
  In the lounge of a trade fair, two strangers start talking.
& [% _! b8 k- b9 B( E  A:Is this your first visit to the trade fair?7 x; o% {+ \% J2 H) O( K$ H) ?
  B:Yes, hopefully not my last.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:32 | 显示全部楼层


  A:Have you find time to see all the exhibits?% a: h/ u6 W, g  R: b# S
  B:Well, I've just seen Chinese silk.6 Q3 _2 u$ n4 m2 D# v1 e7 N
  A:Are you interested in it?
* L: t# S- K2 p  Y2 v8 T7 \  B:Yes. Actually I'm a silk importer.  s. p3 n  W6 h% g0 Z' u! H! V
  A:Really? That's a coincidence. My factory produces high quality silk.
& y; p, ?4 p4 V$ Z  D  B:Good. Let's fix a time to see the samples. Where is your factory based?
  f- U1 }7 i0 b9 w- ?  A:In Suzhou. I can show you around
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