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[BEC模拟题] 2011年商务英语高级考试考前冲刺模拟练习(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:26:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 d8 o- q9 L: k; `Questions 23-30
3 B$ o! P, P+ i. You will hear the conversation between a sociologist and a retailer. They talk about what is going to influence the life style and how the life style will affect the purchasing process.7 {" N" c- y% E- j  y  e
. You have to complete the sentences (23- 30) by choosing the correct ending.7 N9 s, V; L6 }4 p
. Mark one letter(A ,B or C).% q( l& m% L0 i8 Y
23. AIO refers to% p- z& n6 B$ x5 e1 A4 d
A actions, involvement and options.
2 ^# V! Y( s! ^4 BB activities, interests and opinions.
8 k6 f5 i" D4 _, t% z  q- \$ _C advertising ,impact and opportunities.
% a: C3 D' I4 G  M, g8 W$ _$ o24. Another name for AIO measurement is
7 b8 H! t, k! L+ k6 HA psychographics .
$ W. B6 F  y! ^3 WB demographics .! B8 [$ h! b7 |( K" |
C statistics .
: I( h# T9 `1 A% }25. According to the author ,the most important social factor in purchasing process is1 f# Y4 F2 D, L6 B* l. P; T
A reference groups.
) x/ j- O6 k8 yB social classes.. Y/ W0 @6 q' i, L# z( b3 N$ `
C culture.
0 u4 c7 M0 @# j0 u+ ^/ ?26. If you are running an upper level fur store ,you'd better attract your customers by
% [/ X0 X2 }/ h  \( ?5 u, i, @A lowering prices.6 [* P& |4 ?1 g; H2 P& ^* Y( W  y8 Y
B mass advertising.9 s( r3 C1 Z! E# V5 b
C improving the product packaging.; |+ ?7 J. m2 q& z. S/ [+ K8 h
27. Sometimes, the reference groups have the most impact on the purchasing process ,so a retailer must pay much attention to the reference groups composed by9 P, t( x0 b: w9 z
A family members.
" ]' f' v5 X: R* v& [* O% nB suburbanites .
9 J% `! ~5 s1 t% I' `2 _+ wC city dwellers
# r: U: S0 @/ g) o( i- M28. For the customer with much self-confidence ,the purchasing process is
/ i/ j5 i% E8 i; Q8 _$ Y8 k; SA endless.
: }7 X0 \4 d9 D' Z( N4 D) SB long.4 P, M. j5 Y$ t  E2 a% ?3 U3 }
C short.. ~5 P" V+ ?2 q: Z
29. When the consumer thinks of alternatives and makes a final decision, the most important individual factor will be
: K$ m) h$ w& e& s- aA personalities.
4 g3 ^4 x4 T! ?/ w5 GB motives. .
7 \" x+ P: y0 N7 a7 o5 kC performance.& J* k2 {! I, U
30. One of the individual dimensions of lifestyle mentioned by the socialgyist is
+ v# f/ t, z6 z9 L1 O( c6 OA performance.8 F. P# M  e+ I
B interests.
& S$ w- R9 C' q' `9 XC class consciousness.* C# S6 Q/ h! l# K4 W
参考答案:$ X' ]( R! ?) d, c( S
25. C 26. B . 27. A9 X. y! X( M, W! k/ n% @
28. C 29. B 30. A

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