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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(136)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
公共关系——保修问题解释! g+ Z9 P2 `; Z7 E
  1.Cause of the warranty problem 保修问题的原因! H, ~( y/ b& `% U! P' R: _
  A: What is the root cause of the warranty problem?
# `$ M( D+ T+ j) {  B: It was a faulty wire harness. We will fix it for free.
9 j, V: [+ }1 r) J7 g2 U  A:这次保修问题的根源在哪里?
  e# e+ j) T3 x5 s  B:是一个线束有问题,我们会免费修好。& C) i; d* i% O) F
  2.Compensation to customers 对客户的补偿! C  ]# {( p2 e( g2 S/ {* F0 A/ ^: D
  A: Is there any compensation to customers?
! L; K! m: ?+ N. R6 L  B: Just free repair for the problem.# E  F( u1 n9 v, z9 s5 ]) G8 s0 J# \
  A:对客户有什么补偿吗?( q. e; f  i5 h4 c( n) P' h. ~1 H) q
  B:只提供对此故障的免费维修。/ M: A8 w7 E4 n5 |1 B% J! `& D
  3.Recall 召回
3 O" ?1 F1 Y" n/ a- R  A: The recall can hurt a company very much.2 c+ K3 R% u- t, H( e) \: ^6 I
  B: That is why the development engineers need to be very careful.0 S0 I% c2 v6 x% a. K& K% ^
  A:召回对一个公司的伤害会很大。: X* H3 L- i% U
3 W) N: Q$ ~9 \  4.Tire replacement 更换轮胎- u* b/ E6 V$ K/ w7 q6 d
  A: Have you had the tire replacement?
, m3 ?; e1 i+ a: s" f0 ]  B: I did. It's still under warranty. I paid half of the costs./ _, c% ^% T, b5 S' K0 G7 F) U
  A:你换轮胎了吗?0 U6 p- x/ h9 I- T* G' K% p" I% `
  B:换了,还在保修期内,所以我承担一半的费用。# b& V$ j: ], t: A$ x+ B, |4 S3 ?6 v
  5.Warranty scope 保修范围" m. l1 Y" [! I
  A: What is your warranty scope for this car model?1 x5 T% r  J1 o" [
  B: We only have warranty on power train./ P* Y% ^, r" i5 P: v
- _' f$ d7 u; o5 a: J5 R+ z  w7 U( a  B:我们只对传动系统保修。

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