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[BEC高级] 商务英语考试BEC:付款PaymentTerms(三)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  If you can’t be more flexible, we won’t accept your terms of payment.
2 s0 M) f% u6 l3 l. k9 x4 S  如果你们不能灵活些,我们将不接受此种付款方式。
  ]% V! f, V" a( b- n  Please protect our draft on presentation.
! M5 l- [9 t3 ]1 _, |  请见票即付。: z' m# U$ R; W
  Your draft will be honoured on presentation.- U' ~* H- [! Y) N+ w; ^
- K. b* B( a7 o/ z% n* u4 t  The draft was discounted in New York.
2 }: o, C' Y  `+ o: A* p' a; X4 O  汇票已经在纽约贴现。# P: E! k0 a3 v/ K* Y" O: t$ U
  Our draft No.36 was dishonoured.4 j4 k9 _+ N& o5 S" C
) B# l' g% A0 i8 z; O  The draft has not been collected.
6 _& T; B; ^& X0 A2 a) u  汇票之款尚未收进。
& l. r' I# f7 |% {  S. m  We’ll be unable to meet these draft.! Y; ~0 a, j: w4 {$ v) X* g
  我们无力兑付这些汇票。: u$ u. j" S+ W3 r( z0 X! g
  We’ve drawn a clean draft on you for the value of this sample shipment.! s  C" W9 f+ C' `2 P7 [
  我们已经开出光票向你方索取这批货的价款。: Y& [0 j1 _* u& _7 M1 v
  We’ve drawn on you for payment of the invoice amounting to $20,000.
5 L: I6 G5 B; s+ b  我们已经按照发票金额20,000美圆向你方开出了汇票。
7 {. q$ f* z6 \- u% B1 ]" Y  The draft has been handed to the bank on clean collection.
$ g( i! A) P: F9 N1 _  汇票已经交银行按光票托收。

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