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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语考试:口语辅导讲议(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part IIII Exercises and Discussion+ {* ?& b/ k0 w4 I
  ☆ Exercise to sensitize your questioning techniques.
* F8 q4 T$ q- P  1 Write on the board a list of 5 or 6 prominent people that everyone knows. Some of these people should be the subject of current controversy./ j0 L' R, Y' U$ q2 W* _3 E6 A
  2 Write a question of each type (see reasons for asking questions at the beginning of this unit) and address each of your questions to one of the people you have listed.
9 @3 G' {2 ~' I$ E. B  3 Now grade their questions for levels of delicacy on a scale 1 - 5, with 5 being the most delicate.中华考试网
# f+ T* K- a* O5 i0 n. C6 A  4 Check their questions for the appropriateness of their style - are they open or closed; direct or indirect? Adjust the phrasing of the questions to suit the level of delicacy.. `2 ?9 k: J6 D6 N/ m$ i
  5 Lets discuss the results.- ^4 U6 p" B, s" F
  ☆ Give examples of situations where open/closed types of questions are generally asked.
+ g8 |1 P9 V  |& A  ☆ Choose one of the following topics and make it into a seminar. Try to incorporate all the 15 elements mentioned in part II.9 z% n0 l* A% @/ N
  - How to boil an egg) |% L5 W3 \4 z8 V% W% ^
  - How to organize a picnic for your company
1 l* S+ B; m* o1 w& m, Q, k' T' i/ K  - Key factors consumers should be aware of when purchasing a DVD player
. q; W2 l1 G0 `* A  ☆ Rewrite the conversation between John and Mary in Part five. Discuss on the possible outcomes of the conversation with your partner.

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