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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语考试:口语辅导讲议(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part V Supplementary Materials
* l" @6 x9 T0 H$ y4 C  Giving Criticism$ N+ L! p% V' X
  When it's necessary to criticise the work of colleagues it is important to do so in a manner that is supportive and that permits the other person find ways of improving his or her performance. To do this we need to:
9 [# o# R. ^: J7 N6 ^5 @* Y  Concentrate on the error, not on the person5 m. G/ ~1 y+ s4 I0 o5 N  }
  · Avoid generalizations1 H/ l4 I3 m% }7 ~6 L2 ^, Q
  · Provide specific examples of the problems that need attention! j) H/ z* Z: e) G
  · Make helpful suggestions for improvement
6 y3 f0 J3 n  p. o) h2 e  · Avoid a one-sided attack
. ?6 y9 D$ |4 E3 C6 d( C" L  · Avoid insinuations and hints
0 q" u3 H& P1 V8 B' R7 v$ j/ J; }5 b  · Conduct the criticism in private so as not to humiliate the other person
" q# _! h9 M9 N. I: F  \& A  Read the dialogue below and make a note of the ways in which John fails to observe the advice given above in his criticisms of Mary's work:
) ^7 M" U6 R. [3 Z  John: Come in and take a seat, Mary. This won't take a minute.
, r4 F8 j% ~2 A/ b  Mary: What's this all about, John?www.examw.com+ t6 K# E* i0 Y( H4 L2 ?5 V. J) [4 Q
  John: Well I'm sorry Mary, but I've come to the conclusion that your work's just not up to scratch. I need to see a big improvement if you want to stay here.
8 b# w5 X5 N8 c9 d3 o- c. H9 L) K3 Y, M  Mary: I see. I admit I have found these first few weeks a hard, but I need time to settle in and there's a lot to learn.
! z3 |7 e$ p: p* O5 A  (Knock at the door)
9 I, h' {: R6 t* P5 O0 E' z) i  John: Come in.& y' `# l, ]; O3 m+ W
  Jane: Oh, sorry John, I'll come back later, I didn't realize you were talking.2 q, t) N$ f" O; J, q' x
  John: That's all right, come in. I was just telling Mary that I don't think she's really up to the job here.
' F+ @0 ?! L, i% p8 J! b/ i  Jane: No, I don't want to intrude on a private conversation; I'll come back later.
3 o1 s$ z$ u$ q5 K) @% R  Mary: So what are you saying John, are you firing me?
4 T+ S( _1 `; E  }8 J+ W' ^  John: No; but I have to say that if this little talk doesn't make you realize where you're going wrong, it may come to that.
0 j$ U  [6 T* K  Poor Mary! John has just attacked the standard of her without giving her any idea of where she is going wrong; on top of that he's repeated the criticism in front of another member of staff.
" L" g+ z' d) U  By using some of the suggestions below, see if you can rewrite the dialogue so that John offers Mary constructive and positive criticism that will help her to improve her performance:  A- v1 X  N" c/ s) H
  · Invite Mary to a private interview. r3 L) a2 q' n* |
  · Ask if she is ready to discuss the standard of her work! J( A% [/ P6 e8 w- n$ B
  · Acknowledge the fact that she is new to the company and that there is a lot to learn
3 l# o2 r3 T% h* U2 u; V  [( I- P  · Say that her reports are lacking in detail and accuracy7 a6 d5 h4 X6 e1 ?5 K. w$ [1 g
  · Ask her if she is aware of that
, e( n' |# H8 {3 O. w- B! k  · Say that she is often late in the morning
% ^  s( `0 d& O1 b9 c, B5 D  · Ask her if there are personal problems that make it difficult for her to arrive on time" ^, s! `2 A4 w
  · Say that some of the clients she deals with have complained that she misses appointments% i0 V% a; O% q  \! o; p
  · Ask her if she can explain why this is4 s1 R* G! i4 x; S$ O! \/ i
  · Ask her if there is anything you can do to help her improve in these areas.
. A' f0 `( Z/ [6 x/ D  · Set a date for another talk in a few weeks to review her progress.- j8 t. N8 p8 S
  · If John conducts the interview along these lines, Mary will:
4 l$ B5 T# |: j) f; p' B  · Know exactly which aspects of her work are unsatisfactory
- A5 q2 r. C! S; ^  · Will have the opportunity to explain why she has problems- p; C3 |7 S/ S/ M8 P
  · Will not be publicly humiliated
4 B: Y# w) {4 C$ g3 f$ `3 Y  · Will feel that she is getting support in her efforts to improve.1 E* O$ R! H* E: `1 n& C
; s' N% v6 h4 G3 y9 X5 H  ☆ Brenda Townsend Hall,1998

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