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[BEC高级] BEC高级辅导:装运Shipment2

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 I’ve got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to London.: q' K, S$ L! ]) \# j* ^. c
  关于上次装运到伦敦的那批货,我不得不抱怨你。$ V' w  I8 a! r- z4 H$ o* A
  The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. "Dong Feng".* B8 ]; D$ K5 G- \5 _
( ?7 r$ m6 p! b  We ship most of our oil in bulk.
- ^) V3 M2 z; l& a! M  K, p4 W# ^  我们装运的油多数是散装的。
' t1 L2 X( v; f" ?# m, g& q' X1 a  We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U.S.A.% F" O: p$ O! w% y
  我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。( ~' c. z2 g* w9 j. A
  The facilities for shipping goods to southeast Asian countries have changed a lot.& w7 R6 W: h6 n+ S8 |# _
& q  l, s( H+ Q$ ~7 ~  Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?" e- W4 m6 T5 E) m! L8 S& ]
+ |  G( I" e3 l; V  An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment.
, Y$ Z$ a' l7 o, m3 T! _3 K1 H  如果你们尽快答复,我们便可以加速装船。9 J, d" H- r! \7 A( M
  The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.3 G4 l: ?2 v% B) _, ]
, p9 V* B) Q" Z! {: o7 P  Could you anage to hasten the delivery?
3 U& a* ^% D- a8 P8 S) D  你们能否加快装运?
+ ~9 q: ~0 a& X7 [6 v  Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly?  J# A7 C  n! z" K' a& q' v/ Q8 m

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