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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(21)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
日常办公室用语——传真(1)" \0 @# p6 N! T% N" H0 ?& W1 k
1.Company logo 公司标志 3 A. `- L$ @! N1 U6 e: _5 K+ T, \
A:I need to send a fax. Do you have a cover page with company logo?
/ P7 O9 p+ `1 kB:Yes. There is a stack of them by the fax machine. ( y2 v6 j  @, r" [4 U+ z) s. Q
: ]% i: f) e7 d$ fB:有,传真机旁边有一沓。 8 n8 N* d' \/ S) I
2. Completion receipt 传真回执
6 d- i# G' E* F  a# X
, [: ~1 x- B9 M3 LA: How do you know if your fax is sent?/ p8 Q/ D/ A8 _# r* `
B: You can set up the fax machine to print a completion receipt. It will also print an error page if the fax does not go through.# u- T$ k9 j7 U; N: ~) v/ N* Q
  R! A7 k* k; p. ~B:你可以设定传真机打印一张完成回执,如果传真发送失败的话,传真机也会打印一张发送失败回执。9 Y$ x( b8 g! b+ L" v6 z3 j

9 F6 v7 q6 a" O5 ^3.Date, time and number stamp 日期,时间和号码显示$ z  |$ \# D6 t8 T; Y- |% @
A: What's the importance of the date, time and number stamp printed on the top of the fax?3 y6 L( u3 H. j. `4 [# N, O
B: That's the proof of when and from where you receive the fax., e( k6 q; l6 R( I2 S! ]
' p5 Z5 D1 t5 L- i' W' G
; ?$ R3 X8 U* H9 b2 g9 D+ rB:因为那是你何时何地收到传真的证明。2 J  I' \3 Q. `- O9 E7 N
4.Error message 错误信息: T' G# f5 n" }) H0 L

% \; n# H* ^4 V2 G3 \" wA: I got an error message.
+ m: W/ k: q: _2 V% ]- I! B5 z1 XB: Oh, the memory of the fax machine is full, and there is no paper to print.( M0 l- c" V. U  P0 o
- N) y: e& [3 g: g* [  tB:哦,传真机的内存已经满了,而且也没有打印纸了。
% ^# G. j5 I0 F. C. @5 S- B! J7 R3 V5.Error page 错误页 1 b/ g% B# |- b8 n
A: Lily, your fax didn't go through. Here is the error page it printed out.
4 o* B+ O, e- KB: Thank you. I thought my fax was fine.3 g! B. g4 X- M9 ~3 _
: @: V1 |8 r$ y5 `
# m1 m  K; x, A4 y& G3 ~( xB:谢谢你,我还以为发出去了呢。

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