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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(25)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
日常办公室用语——口信(1)$ }, M; P% W& I1 e4 [  F" p! i
1.After the beep 嘀声后(留言) $ g5 x$ ~4 f4 m" t" F
A:What's recommended outgoing message?. w; A5 x2 l: X! H' o; i, o% ^
B:You can say something like this:"Nobody is available right now. Please leave a message after the beep."
# }. x: k5 Z+ c3 Z) ~( w
- l; F# h9 Z& b. MA:有什么推荐的外方电话录音?0 [3 @$ T7 _% V3 g( ~2 R& `
B:你可以这样说:“现在没有人能接电话,请在嘀声后留言。” " E- Z) P0 \; u  Z
2. Incoming message (电话)留言* T* s5 N+ E0 z. T
A: How many incoming messages do you have?) Z5 c# I5 ?  M, ~& o) N/ z
B: I got five." ~/ c2 n/ U! x1 j7 Y0 E
A:你有几条电话留言啊?% F# Z6 N; `( |
9 K4 a8 D/ |+ A3 r/ J( _* E% ?9 l# o# _& t
3.Leave a message 留口信* e$ d, |- E# T! z9 H7 R" A
A: Hello, may I speak to Lily?
% N0 r+ z  `: o9 A( TB: She is not in.& L3 @2 X, j/ R+ s
A: May I leave a message?+ q! d0 q2 s. `& }& U. H9 t
B: Sure.
0 D, e3 G) N6 l
+ t% y5 X- j" j2 i% I% ]A:你好,莉莉在吗?  N9 @. D. M5 k0 N: K4 H% z( y, H
B:她不在。0 {. b9 d* M- x
A:我能给她留个口信吗?1 E7 t+ n" Z: Z' a
) S$ D' x% O+ g4.Sorry, I missed you. 对不起,我没接到您的电话。
2 Z  o4 t& U3 H6 N3 oA: Sorry, I missed you. Please leave a message after the beep.
: a/ H7 Q0 K" ^% jB: This is Richard. I need to talk to you right away. Please call me as soon as you come back.
3 X( k  A& [- h- G1 T! H4 ^A:对不起,我没接到您的电话,请在嘀声后留言。! Y' y& a: J1 h. V+ \' v1 Q
4 K6 X, E, \+ X. U' m5.Take messages for me 帮我保存留言4 R. {; s: M/ \' ~; q
! s. {# F9 S# ]- u! m" K0 e/ e8 z
A: I'm going to the New Plant this afternoon. If someone is looking for me, take a message for me please.( o* h$ M! h9 F4 }' `2 H6 m
B: Okay, I will.
6 F9 N# A' A; x9 KA:我今天下午去新厂区,如果有人找我,请帮我保存留言。# I7 x% y, d/ r& |8 v" d

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