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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(40)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 c; N! k* B  _, L! Y2 u# y# J1.Round up everyone  召集大家
: B$ |: {$ j/ e+ \; {* Y9 _A: Do we have everybody?  U; C- w7 g! t" {; b9 o
B: No, we're still missing a few guys.
% Y1 B3 A0 m$ P5 b9 u6 ?A: Go and round them up.2 C* H0 Q4 y- d
B: Okay.
: _/ f% N1 V6 M$ U* Q$ z: JA:大家都到齐了吗?, p% O* m( R5 t
+ \4 b% n6 Y* `& C) NA:去把他们叫来吧。
  F, c6 T6 H# x" M3 N" u- MB:好的。% ^) E7 \8 h' F! W2 ]" Q
2.Short notice 晚接到通知
6 q5 l& X! d  g3 w9 h" `2 e; s+ y- E! I6 y
A: Thanks for meeting with us with such a short notice.
) C3 Z' F1 B) b, ~% O: BB: No problem.3 Q* k) v0 B  K+ l
, W! H7 p+ }) _1 e9 e2 fB:没问题。
# a5 q" G9 `4 X* A3.Think loud 广开思路5 D5 z) J* F! i
A: Please think loud; think out of the box.2 z. X3 I" ~7 h
B: Right. This is the way of brain storming.
9 V8 T) ]* v5 ^A:请广开思路,不要太受限制。
# `% x  p! x8 \& B1 e4 M0 M8 Y, qB:是的,这就是头脑风暴的方式。
) M& b. {- v6 h5 D1 \' D/ _+ S# c+ F4.If we are squared on this one 如果这个(问题)谈清楚了的话7 h+ L- X1 a- L! f1 Y' l% o

& K4 U9 I8 c: ^$ DA: If we are squared on this one, let's go to the next topic.
+ F2 N" X0 C% {5 yB: I'm all set on this topic.( L( X% g" M: Q7 V& P+ x
A:如果这个问题谈清楚了的话,咱们来讨论下一个问题。1 A8 C# B) i9 l  h' f( V
1 n4 x7 `) u! t3 s# K5.Jumping up and down 反应强烈
! D6 E& r9 x4 h
3 G* |4 `1 A# }2 r0 v, l$ n# |& rA: The audience was jumping up and down, asking me all kinds of questions.0 F9 b4 {/ K  {2 `# g
B: That was good. They were at least intersted in your topic.
' H1 }3 ]$ A$ u& }7 v, U% ~) X; t5 ?" F3 r/ S/ g" D7 s4 a7 K
' l; z, \6 Y7 V6 LB:那好啊,至少他们对你的话题感兴趣。

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