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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(40)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
会议用语——主持会议(2)/ \1 W" t; ?5 b
1.Round up everyone  召集大家
# o6 B- n4 o. a$ P% HA: Do we have everybody?
& q: v+ a0 a9 I( [# {, SB: No, we're still missing a few guys.7 i1 Y% o4 n4 p8 O$ ?; |
A: Go and round them up.7 f; ^9 N3 W2 y2 P1 ?8 ?$ K; C
B: Okay.8 u; C9 e# ^. g* i6 Y
) Z6 i4 V0 \% y  f3 DB:还没有,还缺几个人。 ( r8 Y+ A3 ~8 N; K
A:去把他们叫来吧。0 Y, `  w1 ]# o7 Q- z
/ h3 e6 o$ |7 ~! K9 x) b1 Z0 s4 M2.Short notice 晚接到通知
7 Y* E1 I2 O8 ?" D. p5 E2 Z" S0 j8 X5 a9 }: k
A: Thanks for meeting with us with such a short notice.+ F3 x* d8 C* ]2 Z" W5 A
B: No problem.
: M7 C8 o/ M3 }- d7 UA:谢谢你们在我们通知得这么晚的情况下来参加会议。5 `! |/ x0 R- x' ~; c- A
, l* H" @. N2 U1 @3.Think loud 广开思路2 ^$ z  f( J2 R
A: Please think loud; think out of the box., r2 a+ Z# z) _; l
B: Right. This is the way of brain storming." h  X9 }- b+ I- g; L+ k
A:请广开思路,不要太受限制。: O7 A& L& |, @9 a' T0 |& ?, A
B:是的,这就是头脑风暴的方式。, z* k8 M' T9 k) h) P5 U
4.If we are squared on this one 如果这个(问题)谈清楚了的话! k" b& K3 l# O1 r; u9 M8 _! z
" T7 e% }7 o' H, D0 i! g. X, m
A: If we are squared on this one, let's go to the next topic.
0 }. K9 H9 I! VB: I'm all set on this topic.
  C. d) @$ ~4 I# E+ \A:如果这个问题谈清楚了的话,咱们来讨论下一个问题。
2 N% e2 j* C( z+ T4 x0 `B:我对这个问题谈完了。
/ Z) ?: _+ J- U" r3 k* B7 ^$ m5.Jumping up and down 反应强烈6 g+ s7 _% o* c+ F& d9 Q
2 W$ ^! f0 r& s( A* X
A: The audience was jumping up and down, asking me all kinds of questions.: H2 }' ?0 x% H9 U6 f
B: That was good. They were at least intersted in your topic.
# l2 ]0 B% b* G* n6 y& B. l. Z6 K; Q7 k
4 E% h2 B( v7 _0 A- E* ^+ iB:那好啊,至少他们对你的话题感兴趣。

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