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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(49)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
会议用语——工作计划会议(1)( Q1 j0 Y/ z- \4 F( F
1.Budget planning 预算计划 5 `2 Y) p% q- T, e/ p. G) T  P
A: Who did the budget planning for this program?) K# \. [& F& E# ~% t
B: John did. Any problem? 8 f+ k$ ~% a: _1 r8 i
A:谁做的这个项目的预算计划工作?$ ~$ _1 U5 Z/ v/ X! h, f  K* A
B:是约翰,有什么问题吗? * H1 q* e% A2 [" T/ r
2. Financial forecast 财务预算
) L- R) j$ \0 B3 _) mA: Could you show the financial forecast for the next quarter?
* B/ V' w4 ^0 v- C! E/ w4 OB: Sure.
. \2 c0 a* v* ^5 x" \A:你能给我们看看下个季度的财政预算吗?
. F& l, {. O' j: n9 gB:好的。. J* Y" S! e" R- F
3.Action plan 行动计划5 _1 o1 z" f3 ?1 @
A: Do you have an action plan?4 l% F; @. w1 |- _/ R6 q
B: We just finished the action plan yesterday.Would you like to review it?4 b& U2 l$ Q9 _/ i( @
5 K8 O" x" Q9 @B:昨天才做完,你要不要审查一下?
+ r0 @$ X0 ~; t$ c- m- Z% X( C9 o0 h# p& P0 q6 Z
4.Five-year planning  五年规划
- l: h5 f, V" S' Y+ v" `" W* sA: I heard that you are in charge of the strategic planning.' g7 _" g7 `+ a) x! r, d
B: Yes. I'm busy with the five-year planning right now.( r5 |. n, u; n7 |3 O
' K3 ]/ Y  q6 t4 XB:是啊,我现在正忙着做五年规划。
+ z9 c: _7 Y/ H/ E5 a$ D" c8 {2 S6 ?
5.Lay off (暂时)解雇
0 l% Y0 m$ W5 C1 M" P  w. L6 RA: The volume is down for next year.
3 i+ ]: b" P% Q4 t$ B8 c& PB: Right. We may need to lay off some plant workers./ W9 n& c: \& f! M
A:明年要减产。* C4 k1 B5 J1 M' i: d

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