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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(58)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
会议用语——工厂参观会(2)( c( s  @1 h. U* _
1.Inspection gages and fixtures 检测量具和夹具
& j/ T' u0 `8 o  J9 Y' s7 [A: Who is going to design the inspection gages and fixtures?
$ O+ R; j1 C% n2 \, ~! S, cB: It will be the Stone Company.
8 f/ i7 m% v$ ?2 u* z' W* \A:谁来设计检测量具和夹具?
8 d  ?: h6 E/ u4 s; ZB:将会是斯通公司。
  z2 y# e+ l7 u- k8 V  V& f/ U  A- M- h3 h" s
2.Shift 轮班4 g  c; D5 T; Z8 h3 ^/ Z; F* W
A: How many shifts do you have?& m4 E- s( O+ h9 N
B: Three shifts a day.
* W* Y% w, j' w) ^" M) E/ dA:你们是几班倒啊?
2 V. b9 C/ u$ R$ z/ Q' WB:每天轮三次班。' f/ [& T& Z' q; U7 q
7 ^  o0 e9 L) M! J8 i; v
3.Production line 生产线
! p/ j6 d& N/ |A: Who is in charge of the production line?
1 }2 r1 X0 K) iB: We have a group leader for each production line.5 f. F6 \. ]4 t
# l6 z$ h0 B$ q% |: xB:我们每个生产线都有一个组长负责。
4 G) ^4 p0 l. e1 h9 R' I, U8 c- [8 |+ w' e1 h  z  Y# G& z
4.Testing area 检测区
1 z+ y% h- T* S# JA: Is this the Testing Area of the plant?
) D% X* Q3 ]$ h" ?4 L: r7 qB: You are right. We do part of the quality testing here.
' B2 q" z) `6 q2 [) C2 B6 BA:这是工厂的检测区吗?
  E" |$ m. V% i* @4 Q, TB:是的,有一部分质量检测是在这里做的。$ Z1 q& G9 x: r2 m( u$ H
, L  l7 [) R+ s) Y" v4 m
5.Working conditions 工作条件) H3 f' P: [9 B' m. N, P
A: Are they satisfied with the working conditions?/ L, M1 y% y: G4 k. p
B: Some are, and some aren't.  
: e5 _, Y) h& a" r7 y2 D0 p/ IA:他们对工作条件满意吗?6 b9 }3 q4 `1 }0 U

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