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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(58)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 \0 n( F( U6 R' g1 V1.Inspection gages and fixtures 检测量具和夹具 2 o3 M( x3 \  h$ b  x+ G
A: Who is going to design the inspection gages and fixtures?
- Q6 p: V7 f* SB: It will be the Stone Company.8 h$ q7 {8 I( @( q
8 B" F3 f/ d! \! G8 K2 X' @B:将会是斯通公司。 ) M" R: x1 }: W: j: H' J- _
5 Z& ]6 ?, e; N, F0 ]  @
2.Shift 轮班& ?5 M) Y) Q2 t- B! v4 X
A: How many shifts do you have?
: ]! n5 X" H! a( vB: Three shifts a day.% m/ t: X: C3 Z. s( d7 a2 D
A:你们是几班倒啊?1 ~) N9 w( {: ?5 Z9 V
: `. n2 S% e4 N& R# l$ C; H! Z- p. ~+ u4 h5 U
3.Production line 生产线5 v6 ~# t$ [0 Q9 m8 l5 M6 P0 U
A: Who is in charge of the production line?: {* A# S; g$ `
B: We have a group leader for each production line.! {5 E( X7 Y6 `; _
A:谁来负责生产线?, [* |/ ?# A; M3 @
4 Y$ @& l5 U! n) ^# H2 v* n( v# Z" ^: W
4.Testing area 检测区
1 F7 X2 N7 X+ l+ x8 d$ [A: Is this the Testing Area of the plant?
' e. R$ ^- {1 {B: You are right. We do part of the quality testing here.
, p8 S' C. f$ |A:这是工厂的检测区吗?! l; D* q: x) q6 U% L6 L
B:是的,有一部分质量检测是在这里做的。* L* t* o9 _* c- \

9 |- \& m$ q: w/ q5.Working conditions 工作条件
3 [/ b7 v1 V/ nA: Are they satisfied with the working conditions?
% `- r5 @8 M! s1 N: |' @3 NB: Some are, and some aren't.  4 O' ]6 I$ }( E+ P
; }) v0 ]1 V! r0 \1 fB:有的人满意,有的人不满意。

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