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[BEC高级] 高级商务英语口语辅导:口语会刊(72)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:47:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 I/ |0 X+ ~1 m4 S3 f& p; R4 ~( z' I% X+ E( |5 n
1.Discount 折扣 ; r1 w. T3 H) E3 C$ P* u
A: The customer is asking for a discount. How much is the limit?
/ ?: D9 o) L, `: F) a! P4 OB: Don't go over ten percent.
. q5 n; @! ~6 ^; P6 b0 G& \/ A* o7 gA:客户在要求打折,多少是上限?1 B" x5 V9 S7 }
B:不要超过10%。 " Q& k& u1 Q8 v" e7 y

1 c8 `' y: z9 y- |- Y2 d: P. |2.Good deal 划算、好交易3 y3 H1 z4 P4 g$ s" Q
A: I just bought a new Toyota Camry for $19,000.' Q/ r" H9 e) i# x
B: That is a good deal.
, ]; R: G- z1 d2 H2 }( N: vA:我刚刚花一万九千美元买了辆丰田佳美车。& I6 x2 I% u" E
B:(这个价钱)很划算。 " v) }: T% ^+ Q9 V. d7 c. O

) b; N9 l6 K0 ]5 |3 V3.Mark up 毛利. Y+ d! ?6 I9 ]6 @8 T. o
A: Did you do a nice mark up for the last quotation?2 o1 p& s1 ~9 ?
B: I sure did, 25%.
0 p6 ]! @& y; F- U1 a. z7 b, ^A:你上一个报价的毛利高吗?
+ d$ _1 V( h( Z: xB:当然,25%。) j: P' t6 `' F) t# F7 y: o  m- A) C

8 J+ N% L- r2 m' x1 d% b4.On sale 促销、打折、减价
% e% d; y) h* B' O, y; ~4 v  ?1 w7 ]A: Is this car on sale?7 D1 m/ M* m6 T( ]4 h8 l* U/ ^2 B
B: No. The Chrysler 300 is on sale this week.2 j% u3 V% X# B+ y5 u
A:这款车是在促销吗?9 Y9 o: ]5 G2 n9 ?: n. b
B:没有,这周促销的车型是克莱斯勒300。3 R" i5 y% x- c* ~! ]9 M' X) o; a
2 Y# X0 P& H% V6 a
5.ROA (Return on asset) 资本利润) V. r: v1 l- o( J% }
A: Did you calculate the ROA?
) I' P: s8 C' E, i7 tB: Yes. It's 18%.
' h8 x' R1 l! [$ w' V  aA:你算过资本利润了吗?. n) j9 V* R: U* A4 d" Z8 n$ e

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